knowing that from the Lord ye shall receive the recompense of the inheritance: ye serve the Lord Christ.

'KNOWING' -The right perspective can make all the difference in the world and in eternity.

'FROM THE LORD' -The Master who can punish or reward with eternal consequences (Matthew 10:28).

'RECOMPENSE OF THE INHERITANCE' -'the inheritance which is your due' (Mof). The recompense which consists of an inheritance (1 Peter 1:4).

Points to Note:

1. 'Even though from his earthly master the slave may receive far less than he should, yet from his heavenly Lord he will receive the full amount...' (Hendriksen p. 174) This is why the slave isn't told to rebel, go on strike, flee, runaway, seek refuge, etc....God realizes that all earthly wrongs cannot be righted in an earthly fashion, i.e. rebellion causes another set of problems, the abused often become the abusers. The oppressed often become worse tyrants that those who oppressed them. The slave isn't to worry or fret concerning his pay, God will repay the faithful slave--far more than he has ever earned.

2. The word "inheritance" suggests that the slave, is. son,. child of God. While slaves had no legal earthly right of inheritance--God has His own inheritance stored up for them.

3. This should remind us, that there are certain things which may never happen here. Life here may not turn out the way in which we had hoped. But dashed dreams are not an excuse for unfaithfulness. Because our greatest hope can never be dashed by anyone outside of ourselves, i.e. our hope of eternal life.

'YE SERVE THE LORD CHRIST' -Something we all need to be constantly reminded of. Then, let them always live and work "under His eye". Let them then offer the work that He approves of.

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Old Testament