Mark Dunagan Commentaries
Colossians 4:7
All my affairs shall Tychicus make known unto you, the beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow-servant in the Lord:
'ALL MY AFFAIRS SHALL TYCHICUS MAKE KNOWN UNTO YOU' -'All that concerns me' (Con); 'You will hear how things go with me'; 'all about my present circumstances' (Phi). (Ephesians 6:21)
Points to Note:
1. All the things relating to Paul's personal circumstances are left out of the Epistle. The details of Paul's daily life, although, intensely interesting to Christians who loved him, are not on. par with Divine truth. Such details are left to word of mouth.
2. This reveals that what we do have in the Bible, is intensely important. This also reveals that God has purposely limited the Bible to the most vital of matters, hence giving the reader the ability to concentrate upon issues that affect their soul. Be thankful that Biblical truth wasn't mingled throughout. much larger volume or volumes!
3. This also infers that the Bible isn't. collection of truth and myth or truth and hearsay.
'TYCHICUS' -5190. Tuchikos too-khee-kos'; from. derivative of 5177; fortuitous, i.e. fortunate; Tychicus,. Christian: -Tychicus.
-(TIKE ih kuhs). He was. Christian from the Roman Province of Asia (Acts 20:4). He was one of the messengers from the churches in bringing funds to the poor saints in Jerusalem (A.D. 58). He is now with Paul in Rome. He will deliver three letters back to the Roman Province of Asia, the Ephesian letter (Ephesians 6:21); the Colossian letter and the letter to Philemon.
Following Paul's first imprisonment, Tychicus will again meet up with Paul (Titus 3:12); and will relieve Timothy in Ephesus (2 Timothy 4:12).
'THE BELOVED BROTHER' -'our much-loved brother' (Wey).
Points to Note:
1. Paul valued the Christians who assisted him. He didn't take these associations for granted. In view of the fact that few are on the narrow road (Matthew 7:13); we need to really appreciate other Christians, for they aren't. dime. dozen.
2. Love for each other, is to be. mark of the true Church (John 13:34; 1 Peter 1:22).
3. 'With them he belonged to the most exalted and honorable fraternity in all the world, the brotherhood of believers.' (Erdman p. 112) This point needs to be taken seriously. Unfortunately, some Christians attempt to find "fellowship" in. secular organization. Something is wrong if the Christian feels they can't find the "brotherhood" they are looking for in the Church. For no higher "brotherhood" could ever exist than that found in the family of God! (1 Timothy 3:15)
'AND FAITHFUL' -4103. pistos pis-tos'; from 3982; objectively, trustworthy; subjectively, trustful: -believe(-ing, -r), faithful(-ly), sure, true.
-'trusty assistant' (Wey).
Points to Note:
1. Dependability, reliability is. greatly needed quality in the Church (2 Timothy 2:2; 1 Corinthians 4:2). The eternal well-being of people is at stake (1 Timothy 4:16). We need people who will follow through on contacting visitors, teaching new converts, and who will also accurately pass on to our children the true word of God.
2. This man wasn't just delivering mail, he was entrusted with delivering God's inspired Word, i.e. Scripture. 'It was. long and perilous journey. Tychicus must cross Italy to the Adriatic and Greece, must sail the Aegean Sea to Miletus, and then penetrate the steep valley of the Lycus to Laodicea and Colossae.' (Erdman p. 112)
'MINISTER' -i.e. servant.
Points to Note:
1. We often forget, that in the end we are servants of God. Our purpose in life isn't to do our own will, but the will of Him who saved us (Galatians 2:20). Unfortunately, too many religious people want to be God's advisors, or, to have God be their servant, 'i.e.. expect you (God) to meet my every need and be at my beckon call 24 hours. day.'
2.. am impressed with the lack of jealously and envy among these men. Tychicus and the other men mentioned in this section, weren't envious of Paul's apostolic position. They gladly accepted the "niche" or "role" given them. They didn't try to gain personal glory. They didn't tell Paul, 'You've had your glory, now is it our turn.' And they weren't people just waiting in the wings to take over His job. They were men who were focused on "the work", the cause of Christ, spreading the gospel, etc...Maybe if we were busier doing the work of the Lord, we wouldn't be so engrossed with wanting to be the top dog (1 Corinthians 15:58).
'FELLOW-SERVANT' -'serves the Lord with me' (Tay). Note that Paul wasn't "all caught up in himself". Both Tychicus and Paul stood before God on equal ground. This phrase should remind all faithful Christians of. very basic and important truth, we are on the same side! It should also remind every member, that God expects each Christian to "serve", i.e. to do their fair share (Matthew 25:14 ff; Ephesians 2:10).. serious question to ask ourselves, would be, 'at this very moment, could other Christians really call me. "fellow-servant"? We have too many spectators in the Church and not enough "servants".
'IN THE LORD' -'faithful to Paul as well as to Christ.' (Robertson p. 510) 'for the fellowship in service is marked by the common object and sphere of it--"the Lord".' (Eadie p. 280) Again, this should remind us that for the Christian, nothing is more pressing or important than doing the Lord's work (Matthew 6:33). No relationship is more valuable, than his or her relationship with Jesus (Matthew 10:37). If you are. "fellow-servant", then Jesus is just as important to you, as He is to the rest of your faithful brethren. The Church is for people who desire to serve the Lord, above all else. Paul could say of this Christian, 'He serves the Lord with the same conviction that. do.' Could Paul honestly say such of us?