"I, the Preacher, have been king over Israel in Jerusalem."

The word "have been", is also rendered by some, "I have been king thus far, and am one still". "Over Israel", the whole of Israel, and points to. period before the division of the kingdom. "He has been King over. great, peaceful united people; king in Jerusalem, the celebrated, populous, highly-cultivated city, and thus placed on an elevation having the widest survey, and having at his disposal whatever can make. man happy" (Keil, Del., p. 226). Solomon, better than any other man, even modern billionaires, was in. position to test the theory as to whether any lasting satisfaction can be found in this life. "Armed with such advantages, our search will be no circumscribed or tentative affair, but royal, exploring whatever the world can offer to. man of unlimited genius and wealth" (Kidner p. 28).

Points to Note:"Solomon was the tenth son of King David and the second son of Bathsheba. Whereas David and Saul had been born among the common people and grew up among them in village and countryside Solomon was born in the palace at Jerusalem and grew up among men of power. He had seen the heights of royal glory and the chaos of rebellion. He was well educated and never knew poverty or hunger. But he did know the consequences of intrigue, jealousy, and murderous hate. Before he grew to maturity several of his older half-brothers had met violent deaths and one half-sister had been raped. In addition. half-brother Adonijah tired to steal the throne from Solomon before David died" (Zond. Ency. p. 470).

Besides tremendous wealth (1 Kings 3:13; Ecclesiastes 10:14), incredible wisdom and mental power (1 Kings 3:12; Ecclesiastes 3:16-28; Ecclesiastes 4:29-34; Ecclesiastes 10:1-10), he also had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3). "So King Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom" (1 Kings 11:23). This is why we are justified in saying that compared to Solomon, our modern billionaires are small time players.

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Old Testament