"Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days."Cast" -"send forth, send away, let go" (TWOT p. 927). The bread in the East is made in the form of thin cakes, which would float for. time if thrown into. stream. Some see the in the word "cast" (send, side reference ASV, "send forth"), the image of. trading ship, i.e.,. merchant sending forth his ships laden with trade goods ("Send your grain across the seas" NEB). One does not know when the ship will return, often large periods of time lapsed before the ship arrived at home port with goods in trade. "The idea is that just as the ship returns to reward the one who sent it forth, so God will restore generously the one who demonstrates compassion upon others" (Kidwell p. 263).

Points To Note:

1 The traditional Jewish view of this passage holds that the lesson is one of charity, and that one's benevolence should be practiced freely without. view to personal return. "We already catch. breath of the New Testament blowing through the first two verses,. hint of our Lord's favorite paradox that 'he who loves his life loses it', and that 'the measure you give will be the measure you get' (John 12:25; Matthew 7:2).

2 The other interpretation encourages the daily pursuit of labor, or urging men to make bold business ventures and trust God for the profit.

2 Often we fall into the temptation of not giving as we should, because we want to have enough saved up for ourselves, if something bad happens to us. But Solomon seems to be saying, don't let the possibility of hard times or an uncertain future keep you from being generous. In fact, the risk of hard times (2b) could well be an argument for giving liberally while you can (Acts 11:27-30;. Cor. Ecclesiastes 9:6ff; Galatians 6:7ff). Give, do good while you have the opportunity!

"for you will find it after many days" -This isn't to be the sole motivation for our giving, rather it is. further encouragement. The Bible makes it clear that God takes care of the generous (Psalms 41:1-2; Proverbs 19:17 "He who is gracious to. poor man lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his good deed"; Ecclesiastes 11:25; Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you"; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8; Galatians 6:9). Notice the phrase, "after many days". Our generosity may not be immediately rewarded, in fact, we might not be rewarded for decades or our reward might simply be in the next life (Matthew 6:19-20). The idea seems to be that our good deeds will eventually come back to us, what we sow we will eventually reap (Revelation 14:13).

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Old Testament