"He who watches the wind will not sow and he who looks at the clouds will not reap"."Keep watching the wind and you will never sow, stare at the clouds and you will never reap" (Jerus). We can also be too cautious in this life. The unpredictable future can paralyze some people into inaction. The farmer who is ever watching the weather, and waiting for the ideal conditions ---too much hesitation, too much caution, too much calculation. "Our business is to grapple with what actually is, and what lies within reach. Few great enterprises have waited for ideal conditions" (Kidner p. 97) There are risks in doing anything, but don't let such things deter you from living or trying.

Point To Note:

Waiting for the ideal time to teach someone, obey the gospel, have. family or get married, etc…can cause you to put off something until it is too late. "One cannot use the possibility of misfortune as an excuse for inactivity. Someone who is forever afraid of storms will never get around to working his field. The Teacher in effect says, 'Just face the fact that things may go wrong, but get out there and do your work anyway'" (Garrett p. 338).

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Old Testament