"Rejoice, young man, during your childhood, and let your heart be pleasant during the days of young manhood. And follow the impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes. Yet know that God will bring you to judgment for all these things."

"Rejoice, young man" -On the surface it seems strange that God "commands" young people to be happy, for doesn't such come naturally? Actually, no. How many young people are bitter, depressed, discouraged, resentful, bored, unhappy, confused, etc..? Instead of. period of great happiness, the temptation exists to allow our youth to be. period of great frustration, turmoil and rage.

Points To Note:

2 Youth has the pathway of life before them. Their hopes, dreams, and ambitions will be shaped by attitudes formed while still young. The time to learn how to enjoy life is when you are young. 2. Carefully note that God speaks to young people, "Solomon does not fear to enforce religious considerations upon the young mind" (Kidwell p. 270). Young people need to realize that they are accountable to God, and there are specific commands directed to them (Eph. Ecclesiastes 6:1-2). 3. Parents and young people also need to realize that important attitudes, perspectives and convictions are formed during the days of youth. Unfortunately, even many Christian parents tend to excuse the bad attitudes on the part of their older children, often opting for the excuse, "Well, it is hard to be. teenager these days". God doesn't have such an attitude. Rather, God is saying, "The time to get your head on straight is while you are young".

"let your heart be pleasant" -"let your mind be glad in the days of your vigor" (AAT); "Delight in your boyhood, young man, make the most of the days of your youth" (NEB); "Young man it's wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it!" (Tay)

"And follow the impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes" -Nothing here is encouraging. young man to engage in sinful or irresponsible activities. In fact, such activities deprive life of real and true joy (Titus 3:3).

Points To Note:

3 The verse stresses the need in learning how to rejoice in wholesome activities that will stand God's scrutiny on the judgment day. 2. "Meanwhile verse. reminds us of another aspect of joy: its relation to what is right….. The ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes -or, in two words, perfect freedom---must have. goal worth reaching,. 'Well done! to strive for, to find fulfillment. Otherwise triviality takes over, or worse still, vice. Whichever of these connotations the word 'playboy' has for us, we know that for lack of relating his life to anything demanding, still less to heaven's assessment, that man is. pitiable figure. So this verse, by insisting that our ways matter to God and are therefore meaningful through and through, robs joy of nothing but its hollowness….To idolize the state of youth and to dread the loss of it is disastrous: it spoils the gift even while we have it" (Kidner p. 99).

"Yet know that God will bring you to judgment for all these things" -"The exhortation to follow one's inclinations (v. 9) does not endorse the reckless following of every impulse. Awareness of divine judgment turns the pursuit of joy away from crossing over into sins" (Garrett p. 340). Please note that judgment day was never meant to take all the joy out of living, but rather, to simply remind us not to waste our life in superficial or sinful activities. In light of the judgment day, the believer can have. very happy and rewarding life in this life.

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Old Testament