"The Preacher sought to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly."find delightful words" -"Made search for words which were pleasing" (Bas); "He did not hastily record what he sought to impart but implies. careful search after the most acceptable 'right' terms for conveying the message" (Leupold p. 294)

"words of truth correctly" -"And to set down truthful thoughts in. straightforward manner' (Jerus).

Points To Note:

2 God is telling us that He never sacrifices the truth in order to retain readers. 2. Tremendous attention has been given to both form and content. 3. What is written is factual knowledge, this isn't. book of allegory, myth or fiction. This verse should be the pattern for every teacher: "teachers must go ahead of pupils to seek out the truth and so convey it to their pupils. In addition,. teacher seeks to make his or her words as palatable as possible and teaches in. way that communicates well" (Garrett p. 344).

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Old Testament