"The words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd."

"words of wise man are like goads" -"The goad was. rod with an iron spike, or sharpened at the end used for driving oxen (Judges 3:31; 1 Samuel 12:21; Acts 9:5)" (P.P. Comm. 304).

Points To Note:

2 "Like goads they can rouse to action, promote reflection, restrain from error, impel to right; if they hurt and sting, the pain which they inflict is healthful, for good and not for evil" (P.P. Comm. p. 3-4). 2. "The purpose of goads is to prod the sluggish to action. Good proverbs do that. They bear in them power to give. mental and spiritual stimulus" (Leupold p. 295). 3. "they spur the will and stick in the memory" (Kidner p. 106) 4. The verse infers that we all need. good "goading" now and then (2 Tim. Ecclesiastes 4:2; Ecclesiastes 3:16-17).

"and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails" -i.e. the collection of words from wise men. The book of Ecclesiastes is such. collection. Such words are like well-driven nails: "For nails fastened give. definite point on which all manner of things may be hung, so stable words of the wise give. man something to hold and to tie. They furnish. kind of mental anchorage" (Leupold p. 295). "a picture of that which makes something fixed and immovable,. symbol of the stabilizing and sure character of wise teachings" (Garrett p. 344).

The words of Scripture are like nails in the sense that they establish. definite and sure reference point, something upon which you can hang everything,. definite point that will not move with time and culture (John 12:48). They also "nail down" all sorts of truths, so that we can say, "this is the truth", this is the final say.

"they are given by one Shepherd" -The origin of such words, the reason for the unity behind such words, is that God is the true author and editor of Scripture (Psalms 23:1; 1 Peter 2:25; Ecclesiastes 5:4). This is. definite claim that the content of this book came from God. Observe the correct and clear conception of the inspiration of the Old Testament. These men knew they were writing the words of God (2 Peter 1:20-21). Note, just because Solomon searched, pondered and sought (Ecclesiastes 12:10), doesn't mean that he was necessarily writing down his own opinion. All true wisdom comes from one Shepherd.

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Old Testament