"The conclusion, when all has been heard is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person."The conclusion" -lit., 'the sum of all'. The final result after all is learned.

"when all has been heard" -The point is that no matter "how much" could be said…we would always reach this same conclusion.

"fear God and keep His commandments" -if one respects God, they will naturally obey what He has said. In the final analysis the fear of God and the love of God result in the same thing, i.e. obedience (John 14:15; Romans 13:9-10). "'Fear God' is. call that puts us in our place, and all other fears, hopes and admiration's in their place" (Kidner p. 107).

Points To Note:

2 Therefore, to obey God is what is means to be truly human. "Humanity sought to become like God in disobeying him, but instead they lost the one thing that made them truly human" (Garrett p. 344). 2. No human being is exempt from keeping the commands of God. Note, Solomon didn't say, "This applies to every Jewish person". Lit., this expression (this applies to every man) means "this is every man", i.e. this is the duty of every man. "we might translate it, 'is all that there is to man'" (Kidner p. 107). "For this man was made and placed in the world; this is his real object, the chief good, which he has to seek, and which alone will secure contentment and happiness" (P.P. Comm. p. 306).

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Old Testament