"For wisdom is protection just as money is protection. But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the lives of its possessors."

Note that Solomon isn't against money or making money. Rather, he has pointed out the short-comings of wealth. Wealth can offer us some limited and temporary protection (Proverbs 13:8). "The superiority of wisdom, however, is that it guides one through difficult times and thus preserves life. Money, to the contrary, often vanishes in hard times" (Garrett p. 321). In addition, whatever protection or comfort money can provide is often negated if such funds are in the hands of an angry, proud and impatient individual. Even good common sense, not to mention divine wisdom, can keep people from self-destructing through various vices, passions and emotions, like anger which not only can consume your wealth but also your life, both physical and spiritual.

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Old Testament