"The end of. matter is better than its beginning; patience of spirit is better than haughtiness of spirit."end of. matter" -a specific example of this is found in Ecclesiastes 7:1. "The end is better because we can form. right judgment about. matter; we see what was its purpose; we know whether it has been advantageous and prosperous or not" (P.P. Comm. p. 158). We need to remember that for the Christian the point isn't finishing first, but finishing (Heb. Ecclesiastes 12:1). Momentary setbacks should never discourage us, for we might lose. number of battles, but what counts is winning the war (Romans 2:7).. good beginning can often make people proud or over-confident (1 Cor. Ecclesiastes 10:12).. slow start can be discouraging. Much can change before life is through.

"patience of spirit" -"better patience than pride" (NEB). This is one more value that our modern society has forgotten, for we tend to admire and praise those who refuse to wait, our society glorifies the arrogant and the boastful. "people prematurely conclude that warnings to avoid corruption are naïve. If one is patient, one will finally see that moral integrity is indeed the better way…The wise man is neither naïve nor cynical and embittered" (Garrett p. 320). "Better long patience than soaring pride". "I would go on to add that no one can know the outcome of anything until it is completed, so patience, not pride, is called for" (Longman p. 188). Compare with 2 Kings 20:11 "Let not the person putting on armor brag like the one taking it off".

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Old Testament