"Moreover, man does not know his time: like fish caught in. treacherous net, and birds trapped in. snare, so the sons of men are ensnared at an evil time when it suddenly falls on them."man does not know his time" -either the hour of his death, some misfortune (time and chance) or both. Man is never sure of what will really happen tomorrow (James 4:13-15; Luke 12:20).

"like fish caught…and birds trapped" -When it comes right down to it, often people are as helpless against the uncertainties of life as fish are against fishermen. "The suddenness with which men are frequently overtaken with the catastrophe which puts an end to their life, is seen by comparison with the fishes which are suddenly caught" (Keil/Del. p. 366).

"at an evil time" -a time of calamity or misfortune. Time and chance not only happen to all, but often they happen suddenly and catch us completely off guard. "The emphasis in the verse is on the suddenness of calamity. People remain unaware until the last moment that the end is upon them, and this colors their enjoyment of the present" (Longman p. 233). Hence, the folly of trying to time one's repentance until the last possible moment.

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Old Testament