"But there was found in it. poor wise man and he delivered the city by his wisdom. Yet no one remembered that poor man."

We have. little city here, one without large military forces or large defenses. In this city, only. few men were found who could bear arms and fight. It only had. minimum of men who could defend it. The siege-works included embankments or earthen mounds constructed around the city, which served as. military blockade, cutting off any supplies from reaching the city.

Points To Note:

1 Note, that the wise man is still "poor" even after he delivered the city! Not only was he quickly forgotten, but he was never rewarded. This poor wise man fell back into his insignificance. 2. "We can identify at once with the people in the little city under siege, and feel their relief when the amateur strategist-or is he. diplomat?----brings off his masterstroke. If we are honest, we may still see ourselves in the last scene, when they totally forget him…. is not. moral tale to show what people should do: it is. cautionary tale (real life example) to show what they are like…..we should learn not to count on anything as fleeting as public gratitude" (Kidner p. 85).

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Old Testament