"Let your clothes be white all the time, and let not oil be lacking on your head."

Points To Note:

1 But how many professed Christians are consumed by worry and anxiety? How many professed Christians really do not enjoy their faith? How many of us worry about our salvation, fret and dread death or have. very negative view of life? 2. Far from acting like the Amish or some ascetic group, God exhorts the righteous to enjoy their meals, enjoy their prosperity, refresh themselves with oil and wear white garments, which in Palestine would symbolize purity, festivity, and would reflect rather than absorb the heat. 3. Note, God believes that your personal appearance is reflecting the condition of your heart and mind. If you are nicely dressed, then you are feeling good and confident. Clothing and personal grooming does reflect what is going on inside. man or woman. "The white garments are in contrast to the black robes of mourning, and thus are an expression of festal joy, of. happy mood" (Keil/Del. p. 363). 4. It is really inexcusable for faithful Christians to be cynical or depressed. God has accepted your works! What greater motivation could you have for enjoying life? 5. This leads me to conclude that depression, lack of motivation for the Christian is either. physical problem (something is physically wrong in your body) or it is due to the fact that you have. spiritual problem. In the East, one of the comforts of life was perfumed oil, which made the skin sweet-smelling and soft. Carefully note, being happy isn't. sin!

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Old Testament