“but God, being rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us”

“But God”: God took the initiative. Many people remain optimistic that man can deliver himself.. common belief is that mankind with his technology, education, and resources will one day solve all his social problems. Such is naive optimism, the same type of attitude that motivates the devil to keep on working, even though he is involved in. hopeless cause. “Neither education nor legislation can rescue human beings from spiritual death, captivity, or condemnation” (Stott p. 79). “Being rich in mercy”: Enough mercy exists for all and forgiveness is available for every sin that man will forake. This view of God is frequent in the Old Testament where it is said that He "abounds in mercy" (Exodus 2:6; Psalms 103:8; Jonah 4:2). “The fact that we became the victims of our own bad choices does not prevent God from having mercy” (Boles p. 223). “For His great love wherewith He loved us”: “Because of His great love” (NASV). “With what an excess of love He loved us!” (Knox). God has no hidden motives for sending Jesus to die for our sins (1 John 1:5). God's motive in offering mankind salvation is completely pure (John 3:16). God's love is great because it extends to all mankind, was extended to the undeserving (Romans 5:6), and He was willing to pay the greatest price for the salvation of the ungrateful. It has even been extended to people who will never appreciate it, because of their own selfishness. Love for the sinner cannot exist without an equal wrath directed towards sin. This same God who will condemn with everlasting fury every unrepentant sinner, also paid the ultimate price for the salvation of those who will repent (2 Peter 3:9). “Us”: Jews as well as Gentiles. All Christians need to work at destroying the popular idea that God is unfair, cruel, and unjust. Or that God hinders and stands between one and finding true happiness. Or even that believing in the God of the Bible places. "negative" mood on everything. Away with such. shallow view of God! (Romans 8:32; 1 John 3:1)

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Old Testament