“if so be that ye have heard of the dispensation of that grace of God which was given me to you-ward”.

“If so be”: “Surely you have heard” (Boles p. 242). “Dispensation”: “Stewardship responsibility” (1 Corinthians 9:17 ‘trust committed to me'; Colossians 1:25 ‘commission God gave me')” (Boles p. 243). See 1 Corinthians 4:1. “ Dispensation from ‘house' and ‘law', carried the idea of the apostle's oversight, stewardship, or administration over God's message of grace to the Gentiles” (Spiritual Sword Lectureship p. 62). “I suppose, of the responsible charge with which God entrusted me for your benefit” (TCNT). “God had dispensed the administration of his grace toward the Gentiles into the hands of Paul” (Caldwell p. 108). God did not plan to reveal His truth directly to every individual, rather He chose men like Paul, who would speak it and record it accurately for all time. Paul knew the value of what had been entrusted to his care (2 Corinthians 4:7). He was fully aware of the fact that he was. steward entrusted with God's message of salvation to mankind (1 Corinthians 4:1). He knew that only one message existed which could lead people to Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16). The idea that he corrupted it, inaccurately expressed it, or that God allowed Paul to express this priceless message with the words of Paul's own choosing, all fail to take into account the word "stewardship".

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Old Testament