“giving diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”

“Giving diligence”: “Earnestly striving” (Alf). “Eager to maintain” (RSV). Every member of the church is under this obligation, for unity does not just happen by accident, and congregations that stay united are not merely lucky. “Originally the verb means to ‘make haste'” (Vincent p. 386). "Haste" is often necessary to maintain unity (Matthew 5:24 “leave your offering...and go your way; first be reconciled to your brother”). “Unity cannot be achieved or maintained just by being passive” (Boles p. 266). It is absolutely necessary that the world see God's people maintaining. united front (John 17:20). Therefore, haste needs to be made to clear up every misunderstanding between brethren. “To keep”: “Preserve” (NASV). “Is to guard, keep watch over protectively. Unity is not simply an external, superficial togetherness” (Caldwell p. 159). “Ever to guard” (Lenski p. 508). “The unity of the Spirit”: “The unity given by the Spirit” (TCNT). Through the Holy Spirit, God has revealed all the essential elements of unity. All of us are sinners, so humility is essential. Every Christian stands equal before God. God's word is the final standard for belief and practice (2 Thessalonians 3:6). God is God and we are not. Human opinion isn't the standard. Be patient with others, because God has been very patient with you. “In the bond”:. joint, tie, ligament, uniting principle. “Of peace”: “Since Christ is Himself their peace (Ephesians 2:14), it would be unnatural for them to live otherwise than at peace with one another” (Bruce p. 335). When the number one priority in our lives is "peace with God" and scriptural peace with others, then unity will prevail.

Unity is grounded in the truth

In all situations where "fellowship" becomes an issue we must maintain the proper attitudes toward each other (Ephesians 4:2-3), and side with the truth (Ephesians 4:4-6). “These facts are all objective, not subjective. Lack of faith in them does not change their truthfulness one iota. Each one stands as. spiritual reality” (Caldwell pp. 163-164).

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Old Testament