“and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, even as God also in Christ forgave you”.

“And”: In the place of the horrible attitudes and actions just mentioned. “Be ye”: “The present imperative--ever continue to be” (Lenski p. 587). Notice the contrast, put away once for all such evil things (Ephesians 4:31), and continually work on being good. “Keep on becoming” (Robertson p. 541). “Kind”: “Is more than gentle and polite; the word also means ‘useful' and ‘serviceable'. It has the flavor of action and productivity. God showed His kindness to us (Ephesians 2:7) when He took steps to save us” (Boles p. 294). “The Greeks defined this quality as the disposition of mind which thinks as much of its neighbour's affairs as it does of its own. Kindness has learned the secret of looking outwards all the time” (Barclay pp. 159-160). “One to another”: This means continuing to treat each other in the manner which God has treated us, that is, apply your kindness. Do more than talk about being kind. Do more than merely analyzing the word. Express this kindness to other Christians. “Doing as. body for yourselves that which God did once for you all” (Vincent p. 397). “Tenderhearted”: “Tenderly affectionate' (Rhm). “Is understanding, compassionate, and full of both sympathy and empathy” (Caldwell p. 224). “Forgiving each other”: Which implies that such forgiveness will be needed. Your brethren will need it and you will find yourself needing it. “Even as God also in Christ forgave you”: Notice that such forgiveness is only found "in Christ" (Ephesians 1:3; Galatians 3:26). This is not an optional command, God is not merely giving us advice. The stakes for failing to apply these truths are high, because if. fail at forgiveness, God will not forgive me (Matthew 6:12; Matthew 18:21). “Too many who are otherwise good men will go to hell for rationalizing hatred and vengeance” (Caldwell p. 225). “So, in one sentence, Paul lays down the law of personal relationships --that we should treat others as Jesus Christ has treated us” (Barclay p. 160). Notice how proper conduct arises out of the proper grasp and submission to the right doctrine. If we really believe that God has forgiven us of horrible things, and that He has spared our souls from eternal misery, then we will not have. problem in being kind to others. “The watchword for Christians and for all men, is ‘Forgive or forfeit forgiveness!'” (Coffman p. 197). Before we close, remember, such. command also applies to the marriage relationship (Colossians 3:19).

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Old Testament