“and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them”

“And have no fellowship with”: “Take no part in” (TCNT). “Steer clear” (Phi) (2 Corinthians 6:14; 2 Corinthians 7:1). “Fellowship”: To share the company with, to participate, to be. partaker of. From this verse we learn something about fellowship. Fellowship is participation. Hence. only have fellowship in the local congregation if. am participating. If. am not supporting the local work with my time, effort, financial prosperity, and physical and mental presence, then. really do not have fellowship. Failing to meet with Christians is serious business (Hebrews 10:25). “This would includes the idea that we are not to encourage, approve, or endorse such works” (Spiritual Sword Lectureship p. 188) (Romans 1:32; 2 John 1:9). We are to live in the world (Matthew 5:16; 1 Peter 2:15; 1 Corinthians 5:10), and we are to live in the midst of sinners, but we are not to participate in that which is evil. In trying to influence our neighbors for good, in attempting to save their souls, we can never endorse whatever sins they might be practicing. We cannot reason that we can engage in sin with. friend, if such activity will give us. chance to talk to them about the gospel.

“Unfruitful works of darkness”: “Which no good can come” (TCNT). Compare Romans 6:21; Galatians 6:8. “The vices of the pagan world cannot accomplish anything good; they are sterile, futile, and worthless” (Boles p. 302). “Unproductive of any spiritual good or benefit to either God or man. Unable to produce any blessing to any man” (Caldwell p. 241). “Works which result in no gain, yield nothing pleasant or profitable, bring no blessing or reward with them” (Gr. Ex. N.T. p. 357).

Such things do have results, but those results are not productive, rather such activities might produce temporary pleasure (Hebrews 11:25), but they also leave the individual with shame, heartache, pain, bitterness, and anger (Titus 3:3). This is. very important statement, because one of the "deceitful" arguments (Ephesians 5:6) that is advanced to defend certain sins, is that such sins are signs of enlightenment and personal growth. The common argument that is used to defend premarital sex, is that such enables the couple contemplating marriage to "make sure" they are right for each other. We are told, “isn't it better to find out if your are right for each other before marriage than make the mistake of marrying someone you aren't really compatible with?” Do not be deceived by such swallow arguments. God says, “nothing good or productive is ever accomplished by sin!” This verse condemns all arguments which try to argue that engaging in. certain sin actually has "improved" someone. God is clear, real personal growth and maturity does not happen when you are walking in darkness. Often someone will argue “shouldn't we try something, before we condemn it?” That is, “don't knock it unless you have tried it”. Well, God has saved us. lot of pain and heartache. God is telling us that we do not need to adopt such. "trial and error" philosophy. Up front He has already revealed that nothing productive is found in those things that He has condemned, and we do not have to waste our time or bring condemnation upon ourselves and others in the process of finding out for ourselves.

“But rather”: “But withdrawal is not enough. This is the ideal of monks and of nuns. The light is not to be placed under. bushel, the salt is to bite into the world's corruption, this, too must be done. The obligation of administering reproof is not to be reluctantly added to that of avoiding fellowship but to be added with zest” (Lenski p. 608). “Such works must not be condoned or excused, but exposed for what they are” (Bruce p. 375). “ It is not enough for them silently to abstain” (Erdman p. 111). “Reprove them”: To admonish, convict, rebuke and expose. “Expose their foulness” (Con). “But show them up for what they are” (NEB).

This means that some "judging" is necessary and the Bible gives us sufficient information and ammunition to show people the wrongness of such activities (2 Timothy 3:16). Standing opposed to sin and speaking out is the obligation of every Christian and not just preachers (2 Timothy 4:2) and elders (Titus 1:9). God has always required such of His people (Leviticus 19:17; Mark 6:17; Matthew 18:15). We cannot shy away from this task because such sins deserve to be exposed. The myths perpetuated by the deceivers need to be unmasked, for those who buy into such myths will end up lost! The world will not expose such things. We cannot depend upon the media and "investigative" reporters to reveal the truth about such sins. If people will not come to the light, then we need to bring the light to them. (John 3:20) If we refuse to "convict" people of their sins, then we are frustrating and standing in the way of the Holy Spirit's mission (John 16:8). It is not enough to expose the sin, we must also point the person in the way to repentance and salvation (Acts 2:38). It is useless to expose sin if we do not at the same time tell the sinner that they can quit the sin and be saved. Give them the right information concerning what is necessary to receive forgiveness (Mark 16:16).

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Old Testament