“For ye were once darkness, but are now light in the Lord: walk as children of light”

“For”: God has already given us one very important and motivational reason why we should abstain from such things, eternal condemnation. Here is another incentive, all such sins are part of. life lived in darkness and ignorance. “Ye were once darkness”: See Acts 26:18. “Paul saw the heathen life as life in the dark” (Barclay p. 164). “The light and darkness imagery shows the uncompromising nature of Paul's ethical demands. There appears to be no room for shady gray areas” (Boles p. 301). Practicing sin without feeling guilty is not evidence that. person is open minded or is enlightened, rather it is proof that one is filled with darkness. “But are now light in the Lord”: Which means that one cannot be "in the light" without being "in the Lord". Thus, faith and baptism stand between one and being "light in the Lord" (Galatians 3:26). “Walk as children of light”: “Live and act as sons of Light” (Wey). “Live as men native to the light” (Knox). “Live like men who are at home in daylight” (NEB).

“Walking as children of light is the same as ‘walking in love' (Ephesians 5:2); 'walking worthily' (Ephesians 4:1); 'walking in the truth' (3 John 1:4); and ‘walking by the Spirit' (Galatians 5:16). Thus, walking as children of ;ight means that we must live by the light of God's word (Psalms 119:105). 'You are light', Paul says, 'now live like it'” (Boles p. 301). Compare with 1 John 1:5; 1 John 2:8). Thus we have the obligation to live in such. manner that others in sin "see the light" (Matthew 5:16; 1 Peter 2:15). “Their behaviour must conform to their new identity. They must radiate the light they are” (Stott p. 199). “Let no-one say that doctrine does not matter! Good conduct arises out of good doctrine. It is only when we have grasped clearly who we are in Christ. that the desire will grow within us to live. life that is worthy of our calling and fitting to our character as God's new society” (Stott p. 194). We walk as children of light, when we pattern our moral and ethical behaviour after the God who is Light (1 John 1:5; Ephesians 5:1).

The practical results of walking in the light

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Old Testament