“(for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth)”

“For the fruit of the light”: “The outcome of life in the Light” (TCNT). “The light produces in men quite the opposite of sins like these” (Phi). “For where light is, there all goodness springs up, all justice and truth” (NEB). Every lifestyle choice has certain logical results (Romans 6:16; Romans 6:21). Walking in darkness produces "dependable" evil results (James 3:16; Ephesians 4:31; Ephesians 5:3; Galatians 5:19). Walking in the light produces dependable good results (Galatians 5:22). “The fruit”: “Is. collective noun and summarizes all that walking means” (Lenski p. 605). “Is in all”: Consists in every form of. “Goodness”: “A certain generosity of spirit” (Barclay p. 164). “Kindness, goodness in action” (Erdman p. 111). “Righteousness”: “Doing what is right and just in relation to both God and humanity” (Boles p. 302). “Giving men and to God that which is their due” (Barclay p. 164). “And truth”: “The opposite of falsehood and hypocrisy and signifies honesty and sincerity” (Erdman p. 111). “That which is reliable as fact. It is the very opposite of error and deceit. It does not arise out of ignorance or blindness or prejudice” (Caldwell p. 239). “Moral reality as opposed to all lying perversion, shame, deception, and pretense” (Lenski p. 606). “Everything that is wholesome and good and true” (Phi). The fruit of the light is the exact opposite from results of the life lived in darkness. The faithful Christian lives by truth, the sinner lives in deception and is not entirely honest about the life that he or she is living. The Christian faces reality head on, the sinner seeks to hide from it. The Christian is "just" with his fellow man, the sinner manipulates his or her neighbor. The Christian is kind and generous, the sinner is filled with self-interest.

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Old Testament