“with all prayer and supplication praying at all seasons in the Spirit, and watching thereunto in all perseverance and supplication for all the saints”

“With all prayer”: Prayer is an oft forgotten defense and weapon in this armor. “The soldier must maintain contact with his commanding officer” (Boles p. 341). “Thus Scripture and prayer belong together as the two chief weapons” (Stott p. 283). See Acts 2:42. “Praying at all seasons”: 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Romans 12:12; Luke 18:1. “Habitually, on all kinds of occasions” (Lenski p. 675). “Our tendency is so often to pray only in the great crises of life” (Barclay p. 184). This is essential for. constant dependence upon God must be maintained (Matthew 4:4), because we never know when temptation and trial will strike. “In the Spirit”: This would include praying in harmony with the Holy Spirit's wishes, that is according to the will of God (1 John 5:14). “Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit's wishes” (Tay). Spirit here could be our spirit. “With inward devoutness or with heart-felt pleading”. “Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees” (Robertson p. 552). “Watching thereunto”: “And be always on the alert to seize opportunities for doing so” (Wey). “Satan loves to lull the new man to sleep, at least not to be wide awake conveys the idea of never being off guard with respect to these enemies who would like to find us heedless and secure” (Lenski p. 676). Colossians 4:2. “Is from. word which originally meant ‘to stretch out the neck to see'. One was watching if he was alert, vigilant, on guard, and attentive” (Caldwell p. 318). “One must watch before prayer, in prayer, after prayer” (Vincent p. 411).

“In all perseverance”: “With unwearied persistence, suggesting steadfastness, persistence, and constant attention to task. The man of perseverance is not easily discouraged or disheartened (Romans 12:12). He will continue to pray even when it may seem from the human point of view that the prayers are not being heard or attended to as he wishes” (Caldwell p. 318). In any battle the tide of momentum or victory can turn quickly. The Christian cannot be one who is discouraged easily. Out of what may be looking like. very discouraging situation, can come great results, only if we hang in there (Acts 18:10; 1 Peter 1:12).

“For all the saints”: “The Christian's prayer is unselfish. He does not think only of himself but he prays also for the welfare of others. His fellow-soldiers need help too. We are all fighting together in one army against one common enemy” (Caldwell p. 318).

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Old Testament