Doers Of The Word

Far from the idea of 'let go and let God'. James wants us to realize that the word is God's communication to us. Merely listening and waiting for something to happen, merely listening and waiting for some influence to overwhelm us---doesn't accomplish anything. We must cooperate with the message, conform to the message and submit to the message. We have. very active role to play in the purposes of God and our own salvation.

James 1:22 'But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.'

'But' -It is so easy to think that we are doing some great thing by merely reading the Bible or by merely listening to. sermon. Draper notes, 'The greatest tragedy in this century is people who gather information, but never get that information into their lives….There are people like that in church. They enjoy the singing, the preaching, the Bible study. They like to come and receive blessings, but they never do anything. Some people drive miles and miles to get blessed. We do not need people who want to get blessed, but people who want to be. blessing.' (pp. 57-58)

'prove yourselves' -'observe, not only "do", but be doers: the substantive means more than the verb; it carries an enduring,. sort of official force with it; "let this be your occupation"' (Alford p. 1599) 'go on being or becoming', 'show yourselves more and more' (1 Corinthians 14:20; Ephesians 5:1). 'It is. subtle distinction, but well worth noting, that James wrote "be ye doers of the word" (KJV), rather than merely "do the word". This way of stating it places emphasis upon the kind of person the Christian is to be, not just some act he is to perform.' (Kent p. 65) Again, note where the responsibility is placed-upon the individual Christian. Some people "do" portions of what the word teaches, but they don't enjoy or love the message itself, and especially the God who gave it. Jesus pointed out that if we love God with our whole being, we will naturally want to do our very best in carrying out every command He has given (Matthew 22:37).

'doers of the word' -the tense denotes continuous action, "keep on demonstrating yourselves". Jesus wasn't impressed by those who "say and do not" (Matthew 23:3; Matthew 7:21; Matthew 7:24; Luke 6:46). Jesus believed in doing what God said (John 8:31). Christianity was never meant to be merely. theory. Christianity is not for those looking for just. mental exercise. See also John 3:21; 1 John 1:6; 1 John 2:3.

'not merely hearers' -'It would be well for us to take notice of the fact that the hearer only of which James speaks is not. person who listens with little or no interest; on the contrary…denotes those who listen avidly and feel great interest in the things being presented, but who think that the blessing therein derives from the listening..' (Woods p. 86) Christians need to be reminded that they are "disciples", followers, adherents! Mere listeners are not disciples.

'who delude themselves' -The Bible often warns us against being deceived and deceiving ourselves (Colossians 2:4; 1 Corinthians 6:9). God doesn't miraculously protect the Christian from believing what is false.

Points To Note:

1. And often we are the only one who is deceived when we aren't practicing the truth---others can see our hypocrisy. 2. Too many professed Christians come and study their Bibles, say spiritual things in class or in their prayers, who are very unspiritual at home or at work. 'If his conduct does not match his Christian profession, his hypocrisy rarely fools his friends and neighbors, and it never deceives God.' (Kent p. 66)

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Old Testament