'knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.'

'knowing that' -'recognize that, accept the fact that' (Roberts p. 42) The above "joy" is based on knowledge of certain truths. During trials, the Christian needs to remain calm and have their mind focused on the promises of God. The Christian needs to remember that when they encounter. trial, they immediately know what the end result will be if they remain faithful to God! If our attitude is right, we can't lose (James 5:11).

'the testing' -'James was making the point that the presence of trials in the lives of believers refines their faith so that what is false can be stripped away and the genuine part that continues to trust God will develop victorious positive endurance.' (Kent p. 37) Barclay notes, 'This is an interesting word ("testing"). It is the word for sterling coinage, for money which is genuine and unalloyed. The aim of testing is to purge us of all impurity….to leave us cleansed and purified.' (pp. 50-51) The same idea is found in 1 Peter 1:6; Job 2:10 'When He hath tried me,. shall come forth as gold'; Psalms 66:10. Be impressed that the Holy Spirit doesn't miraculously remove evil desires and bad habits, for if He did, then trials would serve no useful purpose.

'of your faith' -Trials test your faith and they also determine whether your faith is genuine or not. The result is either that you gain. stronger faith,. greater conviction in God or such faith is destroyed or seriously weakened to where you become ineffective. Our faith needs to be tested and analyzed because hype and arrogance can often pass for faith.

'produces endurance' -brings about or results in, Romans 5:3 "knowing that tribulation worketh steadfastness". The word "endurance" means steadfastness, perseverance, fortitude.

Points To Note:

1. Patience isn't. mere passive virtue, rather 'It describes the person who bravely remains upright and firm under adverse circumstances, without collapse or cowardice.' (Kent p. 37) 2. 'it is not simply the ability to bear things; it is the ability to turn them to greatness and glory…the quality which makes. man able, not simply to suffer things, but to welcome them and to vanquish them.' (Barclay p. 51) 3. 'It denotes the ability to exhibit steadfastness and constancy in the face of the most formidable difficulty.' (Woods p. 37) See Romans 2:7; 2 Corinthians 6:4; Hebrews 10:36; Hebrews 12:1; Luke 21:19... Which means that trials don't have to put the Christian out of commission, and neither does hardship mean that we must slack off. Which means that. can keep on teaching people, keep on encouraging others, keep on encouraging my family, keep on reaching out of non-Christians, even though. am going through tremendous hardships.

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