'being. double-minded man, unstable in all his ways'

'double-minded' -lit., having two souls. 'double-headed people who stagger helplessly here and there in their thinking, doubting, hesitating.' (Arndt p. 201) We often talk about the person who has one foot in the world and one foot in the Church. Those who are trying to please God and at the same time be. friend of the world (James 4:8). People who act as if they have two minds, directing them in contradictory directions, so that they make no lasting stand for anything.

'unstable in all his ways' -"Unstable"-'restless' (Thayer p. 22); 'unsettled, fickle, and hence unreliable. The man who cannot trust God cannot be trusted by others.' (Roberts p. 50); 'uncertain about everything he does' (Gspd)

Points To Note:

1. The doubter is the person who is trying to serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). 2. Notice the statement, "in all his ways", unbelief will affect every area of your life! One cannot limit unbelief to merely one area of our relationship with God. 3. 'Doubt to him was no evidence of superior learning or unusual intellectual attainment; it was, instead,. mark of mental instability, evidence of confused intellectual processes.' (Woods p. 45) 4. Sadly, such. doubter often argues that he or she has been the victim of circumstances.

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Old Testament