"My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism."My brethren" -We will have more success in helping our brethren improve themselves or change their ways, if we treat them as brethren. There is. lot at stake here! We must let the brother or sister, whom we are correcting know that we deeply love them and are not out to destroy them (2 Timothy 2:24). We are to appeal to our brethren, as if they were members of our own physical family (1 Timothy 5:1). "do not hold your faith" -"do not combine this faith of yours with flattery of human greatness" (Knox). That is, there is no room in Christianity for. worldly sort of personal favoritism or snobbery. These are two things that must not be combined. "Do not hold your faith…..with an attitude of personal favoritism", utilizes the present imperative verb with the negative word me (Greek). This usage commonly ordered the cessation of an action already in progress (James 2:6)' (Kent pp. 74-75). The word "hold" means basically the same thing as to have, hence to believe in (1 Timothy 1:19). The idea is stop having the habit of trying to combine worldly attitudes with Christianity. Carefully note that showing personal favoritism is just as bad as not bridling your tongue (James 1:26), failing to help those in need or failing to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27). In the sight of God, prejudice and immorality are both sins."in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ" -The word "glorious" means, "brightness, splendor, radiance" (Arndt p. 203).

Points To Note:

1. The expression reminds us that Jesus has the exact same degree of glory as the other members of the Godhead (Hebrews 1:3 "He is the radiance of His glory"; John 17:5; Acts 7:55). 2. Deity is addressed as being glorious (2 Peter 1:17; Acts 7:2). This was. well-known title for Deity, and James applies it to Jesus. 3. Remember, James was the physical brother of Jesus, and yet terms Him the "Lord of glory". Seeing the resurrected Jesus had made quite an impact upon James (1 Corinthians 15:7). 3. At this present time Jesus occupies. place of glory, He lives in. glorious realm. Roberts notes, "The thought is that of the identification of Jesus….of the Shekinah or "glory" of God by which His presence was signified at the tabernacle in the Old Testament (Exodus 2:17; Exodus 2:34; Numbers 2:10) (p. 87). "despite the poverty and extreme humiliation to which he was subjected while on earth, his is now in. position of great glory' (Woods p. 105). In addition, this same Jesus will come again in glory (2 Thessalonians 1:7 ff). "with an attitude of personal favoritism" -"the fault of one who, when responsible to give judgment has respect to the position, rank, popularity or circumstances of men" (Vine p. 179). "This word signifies regard shown to persons, not on account of their real worthiness, but on account of their station, riches, and other external circumstances" (Macknight p. 357). See Luke 20:21; Leviticus 19:15; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; 1 Timothy 5:21; 1 Peter 1:17.

Points To Note:

1. God doesn't act this way, so neither should we (Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25). 2. In view of the fact that every man and woman is. sinner (Romans 3:23), we need to properly evaluate the real status of even the most popular in the eyes of the world. 3. Personal favoritism is not the same as demonstrating respect. We are to have respect for those in high office (1 Peter 2:13), elders (1 Timothy 5:17), older Christians (1 Timothy 5:1), our parents (Ephesians 6:1), etc…."What is taught is that there is no place for worldly acclaim in Christianity" (Woods p. 107). 4. Unfortunately, like these members, we too get caught up in being impressed with the wrong people. We need to have. greater respect for. person's character and spiritual achievements than their external or material success. How many of us would fawn over some famous person much more than. really neat Christian? What if someone famous entered into one of our assemblies, how would be react? And how do we treat people who are obviously on the lower end of the social and economic scale? Who would we be more excited about teaching,. famous and wealthy person? Or,. common man?

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Old Testament