"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy"."But the wisdom from above" -Such wisdom cannot be found outside of. relationship with God. People try to be all the following things without God, but all such attempts will end in failure (Jeremiah 2:23)."is" -God doesn't beat around the bush. This is what it is, this is what such wisdom looks like in daily life. This is the wisdom that God gives to those who faithfully serve and ask Him (James 1:5; James 1:17).. healthy respect for God is the first step in acquiring this wisdom (Proverbs 9:10; Proverbs 15:33; Psalms 111:10)."first pure" -"first"-first in rank and time, "first essentially" (Vincent p. 754). Purity of heart, sincerity,. good and honest heart is. foundation stone for this wisdom (Luke 8:15). The insincere, the doubters and the manipulators can't gain this wisdom, until they change their motives. "Pure"-Barclay says that the word pure in Greek meant, "pure enough to approach the gods"---"The true wisdom is the wisdom which is so cleansed of all ulterior motives, so cleansed of self….The true wisdom is able to bear the very scrutiny of God" (p. 111). This wisdom doesn't argue that the end justifies the means or "whatever it takes to get the job done". This wisdom is concerned with motives, with integrity and honesty. This is the person who wants God to inspect every aspect of their lives (John 3:21; Psalms 139:23 "Search me,. God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me"; 2 Corinthians 7:1."peaceable" -"loving peace" (Thayer p. 183). Here is the exact opposite of self ambition which so often results in strife. This is the wisdom which attempts to settle disputes rather than provoke them. Barclay notes, "The true wisdom is the wisdom which produces right relationships. There is. kind of clever and arrogant wisdom which separates man from man, and which makes. man look with superior contempt on his fellow-men. There is. kind of cruel wisdom which takes. delight in hurting others with clever, but cutting words" (p. 111). This isn't peace at the expense of the truth, but it is the person who works hard at reconciling men with men and man with God. This wisdom will sacrifice pride, fame, and other worldly considerations for such peace. This person is big enough to admit when they are wrong and ask for forgiveness (Colossians 3:15; Ephesians 4:3; 1 Peter 4:7; Romans 12:18 "so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men")."gentle" -"equitable, fair, mild" (Thayer p. 238), "sweet reasonableness" (Matthew Arnold). The same word is rendered forbearance (1 Peter 4:5). People who listen to reason, those who don't insist upon their rights, the person who is willing to forgive, rather than rigid and exacting in his relations with others. "being considerate of others and making allowance for their feelings, weaknesses, and needs. Such qualities as being equitable, fair, reasonable, and forbearing" (Kent p. 135). Which means that the truly wise man does not get angry, combative, or defensive even under provocation. Woods notes, "Some assume they are strong in argument only if they are violent in argument" (p. 193). This wisdom believes the truth and stands for the truth, but it does so with patience, reason, and fairness. Godly wisdom is careful to properly represent those who have opposing views, and to take the time to really understand what the other person is saying."reasonable" -"ready to obey" (Vine p. 269); "approachable " (Robertson p. 47). The truly wise teacher, must himself be teachable (Proverbs 9:8). "in the sense of not being stubborn, and of being willing to listen to reason and to appeal…The true wisdom is not rigid and austere and beyond all appeal. It is willing to listen, willing to be persuaded, skilled in knowing when to wisely yield" (Barclay pp. 112-113). This is also the person who is easy to talk to, who will intently listen to what you are saying. "does not indicate. person without convictions who agrees with everyone and sways with the wind (James 1:5-8; Ephesians 4:14), but the person who gladly submits to true teaching and listens carefully to the other instead of attacking him" (Davids p. 154). "It is. poor teacher who does not learn from his pupils" (Roberts p. 147). "full of mercy and good fruits" -"rich in compassion and good deeds" (TCNT); "kind actions" (Wey). "Full of"-not just. few or some. This is mercy and good fruits demonstrated on. consistent basis. "Mercy"-mercy which issues in practical help. Unfortunately, it is so easy to see someone in need and then say, 'Well,. bet it was their own fault'. It is so easy to find. reason for not helping people, that we end up sinning by failing to do something (James 1:27; James 2:13; Luke 10:37). "good fruits" -This passage clearly contradicts those who would argue that Christianity is the cause of many of the world's problems. Real wisdom is. merciful wisdom. True wisdom is not found in the attitude, 'What is the least that. have to do to end up saved'. This type of wisdom doesn't resent responsibilities, and neither does it have the attitude, 'Let someone else do that'. Christians are to be people who manifest. life full of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Titus 3:1; 14)."unwavering" -"without uncertainty" (Thayer p. 11); "unhesitating, not doubting, this wisdom does not put. premium on doubt" (Robertson p. 47).. wisdom that concerning the truth is unwavering and uncompromising. In contrast, the wisdom of the world often believes in an ethic which is situational and would consider it foolish to sacrifice self-advancement for the sake of principle. Barclay hits the nail on the head when he notes, "There are those who think that it is clever never to make one's mind up about anything" (p. 113). God isn't impressed with the skeptic. "Here the word seems to mean 'not vacillating', 'not acting one way in one circumstance and another in. different one'" (Roberts p. 148). Godly wisdom is single-minded, it is focused on serving God. "Those thus directed follow. compass which is not deflected by worldly acclaim or selfish interests, nor by current views announced by favorite preachers" (Woods p. 195)."without hypocrisy" -"unfeigned, undisguised" (Thayer p. 52). The Bible often exhorts and commends. sincere faith (1 Timothy 1:5; 2 Timothy 1:5) and love (Romans 12:9; 1 Peter 1:22). This wisdom doesn't play-act. "It does not deal in deception….It is not the wisdom which is clever at putting on disguises and concealing its real aims and motives" (Barclay p. 114). This wisdom doesn't pretend. This wisdom is straightforward, the person manifesting this wisdom doesn't put on an act. While intrigue, scheming and plotting are essential elements of human wisdom, the wisdom from above is offended by such tactics.

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Old Testament