"O you who tear yourself in your anger": Job had lamented that God tore him in His anger (Job 16:9); Bildad responds with. different idea, that Job was actually tearing himself in his own anger, and that his hardships were the results of his own sins. Job 18:4 "For your sake is the earth to be abandoned, or the rock to be moved from its place?" Bildad complains that Job is insisting that God change the nature of the universe to accommodate Job's claim that he is an exception to the moral order. "If the established order of the universe dictates that suffering is the empirical proof of sin, does Job think that this order is to be modified for him?" (Strauss p. 173). "How could Job expect God to alter reality for his sake? Would everything give way to him, as if he were the only man on earth? Would God bend His ways just for Job, removing even firm things such as rocks?" (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 740).

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Old Testament