"Now when Job's three friends heard of all this adversity that had come upon him, they came each one from his own place": So far so good (Romans 12:15; James 1:27). "Eliphaz": (EL ih faz). "The Temanite": (TEE mum ite). Either. descendant of Teman or an inhabitant of the region occupied by the clan of Teman; in the land of Edom (Genesis 36:34). Eliphaz might have been the oldest of the three, for he is listed first (Job 2:11; Job 42:9), speaks first, and his speeches are longer and more mature in content. God will also addressed him as the representative for the others (Job 42:7).

Job 2:11 "Bildad": (BILL dad). "The Shuhite": (SHOO hite). Possibly. descendant of Abraham and Keturah (Genesis 25:1-2). "Zophar": (ZOE fer). "The Naamathite": (NAY am. thite). Some have suggested that he came from. town mentioned in Joshua 15:41; which was located toward the border of Israel with Edom in the south.. fourth friend, Elihu, was present though he is not mentioned until later (chapter 32). "And they made an appointment together to come to sympathize with him and comfort him": "Even though their theology was greatly erroneous, and they proved to be physicians of no value (Job 13:4), it is to their credit that they traveled from their homes to be with their friend in his time of grief. They were correctly motivated. They were sympathetic men who could be touched with the anguish of others, and that is refreshing in any age" (Jackson p. 24).

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Old Testament