"Have you considered My servant Job….And he still holds fast his integrity": Yes Satan, remember what you said about Job and how you slandered him and accused him of being. fair weather friend. "Intruding into. meeting of heaven's council once again, he acts as if nothing has happened" (McKenna p. 43). "Still holds fast": "Indicates. strengthening of the grip he already had" (Gaebelein p. 884). "Although you incited Me against him to ruin him without cause": These words do not imply that Satan had used God, or that somehow God had been convinced to do things that are against His will. Remember, it had been God who had brought up the example of Job in the first place (Job 1:8; Job 2:3). All of Job's sufferings are part of. Divine purpose (Job 38:2). "Without cause": What. rebuke! Satan claimed he had. cause for attacking Job, but Job's integrity proved that Satan was the liar, and that all this energy had been in vain. Notice how God throws this matter back in the devil's face. Satan had argued that Job did not serve God for nothing, now God accuses Satan of bringing harm on Job for nothing.

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Old Testament