"Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head"

Satan immediately caused Job to have painful sores all over his body. Compare this with the festering boils that came upon the Egyptians (Exodus 9:8-11). "The nature of Job's disease has been discussed at length by scholars. The two most common identifications have been leprosy and elephantiasis" (Jackson p. 721). Others claim that it may have been smallpox. The book reveals the associated symptoms with these boils: Itching (Job 2:8), drastic change of appearance (Job 2:12); difficulty in eating (Job 3:24), mental depression (Job 3:25), worms and running sores (Job 7:5), shortness of breath (Job 9:18), darkness of eyes (Job 16:16), odorous breath (Job 19:17), loss of weight (Job 19:20), corroding bones and gnawing pain (Job 30:17), blackened skin and fever (Job 30:30). The indication is that this condition continued for months (Job 7:3; Job 29:2).

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Old Testament