"Why is light given to. man whose way is hidden, and whom God has hedged in?"

Satan had complained that God had created. protective hedge around Job and now Job complains that he has been hedged in by suffering. "Job is bewildered because he cannot see his way. He finds himself suddenly hedged in and no path is visible before him. His suffering restricted him from having any hope in his future and limited freedom of movement. Here for the first time Job asserted that God was the cause of his affliction" (Zuck p. 27). "Many attempts have been made to excuse Job---the emotional nature of Oriental expression, the unenlightened age in which he lived, the extreme severity, diversity, and extended nature of his misfortune, but they all fall short" (Jackson p. 31). Even while suffering, God will hold him entirely accountable for everything that he says, even foolish things (Matthew 12:36; Job 38:1ff). Venting never gives us the right to accuse God or criticize the way He is running the world.

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Old Testament