"But now those younger than. mock me": Young people, rather than respecting him, ridiculed and made fun of him, compare with Job 29:8. "Whose fathers. disdained to put with the dogs of my flock": "Worst of all, his tormentators are the young men upon whom all the rest of the society looks down with contempt. At one time, Job would not even hire their fathers to watch his dogs. They represent all the waste and wickedness that he avoided in his disciplined and righteous life" (McKenna p. 208). Job had the respect of the most respectable and now he has the contempt of the most contemptible (Andersen p. 235). "To be disgraced by peers or superiors would be distressing enough, but he was derided by those who were so low that he would not even put their fathers with the dogs of his flock" (Zuck p. 130). Please note that Job is not prejudiced against the poor, in fact he has helped many people who were less fortunate (Job 29:12). Job is venting his disgust for the low-life who choose to be low-life.

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Old Testament