Job 34:1

Here is his introduction. He will quote Job (Job 12:11) when he referred to the need for the debaters to test the accuracy of his words as the tongue discerns the quality of food. They need to decide whether or not Job was right or wrong in accusing God of unrighteousness in defense of his own right... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:5

"FOR JOB HAS SAID": Here is. direct quotation. Compare with Job 13:18; Job 27:6). "GOD HAS TAKEN AWAY MY RIGHT": (Job 27:2).... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:6

"SHOULD. LIE CONCERNING MY RIGHT": Here is he quoting another statement Job had made. "Elihu rehearses Job's words. He had claimed righteousness, yet God had, by sending calamity, treated him as. liar, Jehovah had, in effect then, 'taken away his right'" _(Jackson p. 71)._... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:7

"WHO DRINKS UP DERISION LIKE WATER": "Elihu is petrified by such an accusation. He says that Job scorns God like drinking up water" _(p. 71)._ Eliphaz had basically made the same accusation (Job 15:16).... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:9

Elihu is also horrified by the argument that it profits man nothing to serve God faithfully, compare with Job 9:30-31. "To say that. person is no better off for having served God is. complaint Elihu answered later (chapter 35)" _(Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 760)._ Elihu is not agreeing completely with... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:10

"FAR BE IT FROM GOD TO DO WICKEDNESS": Job had argued that God had denied him justice (Job 27:2), and Elihu is going to answer that complaint. He first makes it very clear that God does nothing wrong (1 John 1:5), including perverting justice (Job 34:12). Compare with Habakkuk 1:13 and Psalms 92:15,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:13

"Having independent authority as the world's Sovereign, no one could influence Him away from justice" _(Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 760). _... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:14

As proof that God is just, is the continuing existence of man! If God should so choose He would recall every soul (Ecclesiastes 12:7). God is just with His creation, even though most of His creation continues to deny Him. The very fact that we, former sinners, are still breathing is proof that God i... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:18

Another very visible proof of God's justice and fairness is the way that He impartially judges men on the basis of their deeds and not on the basis of their position, social status, or wealth. God treats all alike, including kings, judges, princes, and the poor. In addition, Elihu realizes that all... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:20

Even the mighty are not immune from God's justice. If they are wicked, often they are taken suddenly, when they least expect it. God is not influenced by man's power or money.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:21

God is not ignorant or misinformed, He knows exactly what people are doing, even those who seek to hide their sins in the darkness. "God has all the facts in every case. Unlike human judges, God has no need to investigate cases" _(Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 760)._ The inference is that Job has basical... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:24

Again, we have the idea that God can take down even the most powerful on this earth, and He will condemn. person, no matter who they are, if they are doing evil. God is fair. He does not overlook wickedness even in the high and mighty, and often deals with them in. very public way (Job 34:26).... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:28

God is just in the sense that He cares what happens to the less fortunate and judges those who abuse the poor.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:29

"God's justice is seen in that, even though He may choose for. while to do nothing about sin and to remain silent to Job's and others' pleas for speedily justice, yet He, as the Sovereign Ruler over man and nation alike, will see that. godless man does not continue indefinitely and triumph endlessly... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:31

Now Elihu focuses in on Job's situation. "Suppose. man, who has 'borne' chastisement, says to the Lord, 'Alright,. have done wrong.. won't do it again. Now, tell me exactly what you were punishing me for?' Is God obligated to operate on that level?" _(Jackson p. 72)._ "Elihu was stunned that Job wou... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:33

Is God accountable to man? Must God operate on man's terms? Job must decide, because Elihu cannot make this decision for him. "By telling Job that he must choose, Elihu meant that it was up to Job, not Elihu, to suggest an alternative to God's ways of running the universe" _(Zuck p. 151)._ Notice th... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:34

Wise men would agree that Job has spoken some things that are not very wise. Any wise man can see Job's speeches for what they were, that is, accusing God of being unfair.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:36

Elihu does not see rebellion in Job's past, but he sees it in the present. Job needs to realize that some of the things he had said are terrible and he deserves to be tried or punished to the utmost, because he has been speaking like unbelieving wicked men on this point.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 34:37

"Job clapped his hands in their presence; that is, he treated their counsel with contempt (clapping the hands was sometimes used to silence others)" _(Zuck p. 152)._... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament