Job 39:1

Next God speaks of the wild goats and deer. Job did not even know the time of their gestation period. They dwell on wild mountains (Psalms 104:18), they are wild and timid, they give birth out in the middle of nowhere and their young grow up to become strong, yet man has nothing to do with any of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 39:5

Only God can care for an animal that lives in the salt land (around the Dead Sea?), and shuns any sort of civilization, including the attempt to be domesticated. Who gave this animal such. yearning for freedom? And notice how God is able to care for animals that want to have nothing to do with man!... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 39:9

This is the wild ox, not the tame or domesticated ox. "Extinct since 1627, this enormous animal was the most powerful of all hoofed beasts, exceeded in size only by the hippopotamus and elephant. It was hunted by the Assyrians and is probably to be identified with the aurochs" _(Zuck p. 171)._ Such... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 39:13

Next God mentions that strange bird, the ostrich. This bizarre bird, weighing up to 300 pounds and reaching. height of seven or eight feet. It flaps it wings, but it cannot fly, "the ostrich proudly waves her wings, but they are not pinions of love. The original term rendered 'love' is related to. n... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 39:19

Next is the picture of the warhorse and its excitement for battle. Job certainly was able to create. horse that could leap like the locust. "In its spirited eagerness, the horse snorts terribly and paws vigorously, seeming to rejoice 'in his strength'. Fearless in its charge into battle, it is undau... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 39:26

Here we have hawks and eagles. The annual migration of the hawk toward the south occurred without Job's input or wisdom. On the other hand the eagle builds its nest high in the mountains from where it scans the horizon for prey. "Devouring carcasses and sucking blood may suggest that this bird is th... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament