(Job 9:23). Job 9:24 "God gives the earth to the wicked (they are the ones possessing the earth's wealth and dominating others) and covers (blindfolds?) the judges so that they cannot be fair. Enraged at such inequities at the hand of God, Job cried out, 'If it is not He, then who is it?'" (Zuck p. 49). Notice that Job does not even ponder the thought that Satan might be to blame. Today, many feel that same way about God. "In this narrative the Lord wants us to see that even. good man, in. time of agonizing frustration, can weaken and utter some extremely foolish things. If you have felt as he did, that does not mean that you are without hope" (Jackson p. 40). The accusation is that God flouts justice indiscriminately. Modern authors such as B. Russell have denied that the universe contains any moral order, others have argued that God is indifferent to the human condition. Remember Eliphaz had said (Job 5:22), that if Job repented, he would ultimately laugh at famine and destruction. Job's response is that it is God who laughs when calamities come. Job is arguing that God is not testing men with disaster but destroying them. "All this was in protest against the friends notion that God blesses the good man and punishes the wicked. Job could not accept that view because, as he saw it, God destroys both" (Zuck p. 49).

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Old Testament