Mark Dunagan Commentaries
Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things”
“Finally”: “Paul lists. number of traits, which, if incorporated into one's thinking processes, would truly contribute to tranquility of life” (Jackson p. 81). This verse also contains practical information that will help any Christian "stand fast" in the Lord (Philippians 4:1). The "peace" mentioned in Philippians 4:7 demands some human cooperation, and it does not just happen. “The readers must do their part by controlling their minds and thoughts” (Erdman p. 142). Yet, this verse admits that we can realistically control our mental attitude and what we think about. Standing fast in the Lord, involves standing firm in our convictions, beliefs, and thoughts. The Christian does not have the right to think or personally believe anything they want (Matthew 5:28). Everyone allows their mind to dwell on something, “The human mind will always set itself on something” (Barclay p. 79). Hence, since. am going to expend mental energy thinking about something, the wise man says, “I should at least profit from such mental activity”. Many have noted that thoughts produce habits, habits lead to actions, actions determine character, and character determines our eternal destiny. Barclay reminds us, “This is something of the utmost importance, because it is. law of life that, if. man thinks of something often enough, he will come to the stage when he cannot stop thinking about it. His thoughts will be quite literally in. groove out of which he cannot jerk them” (p. 79).
“Whatsoever things are”: Whatever would fit into the following categories. “True”: This infers that many things are also false. “Many things in this world are deceptive and illusory, promising what they can never perform, offering. specious peace and happiness which they can never supply.. man should always set his thoughts on the things which will not let him down” (Barclay p. 79). The Christian cannot afford to live in an illusionary fantasy world. “It is not. true thing that God does not care what we believe and how we act in consequence” (Lenski p. 882). This means that the Christian does not have the right to believe. false concept, even though they might not practice it. God does not want Christians to be gullible. “The term denotes that which is ‘true to fact'. Truth is grounded in the very nature of God (Romans 3:4; Philippians 8:32; Philippians 17:17)” (Jackson pp. 81-82).
“Honorable”: “Dignified” (Rhm). “Whatever is worthy of reverence” (Mon). “Is. quality that is characterized by soberness, as opposed to. flippant attitude that lacks ‘intellectual seriousness'” (Jackson p. 82). “That which wins respect or commands reverence, or is esteemed. It refers to lofty things, majestic things, things that lift the mind from the cheap and tawdry to that which is noble and good and of moral worth” (Hawthorne p. 188). “There are things in this world which are flippant and cheap and attractive to the light-minded” (Barclay p. 79). Christians need to take the time to reflect about the serious things of life (1 Timothy 2:2; 1 Timothy 3:4; Titus 2:2; Titus 2:7; Titus 3:8). “There lies in it the idea of. dignity or majesty which is yet inviting and attractive, and which inspires reverence” (Vincent p. 458). The things above would fit into this category, Colossians 3:1.
“Just”: “What is right” (Gspd). The Christian will be miserable, if he or she allows false concepts to remain in their thinking. The Christian is the person who admits that whatever God says and does is "right".
The Christian does not long for the "easy way out", rather, they only want to do what is "right". Instead of thinking selfishly, the Christian says, “What is just?” (Colossians 4:1). “It concerns giving to God and men their due. It involves duty and responsibility. It entails satisfying all obligations” (Hawthorne p. 188).
“Pure”: Innocent, modest, chaste, and clean. “This world is full of things which are sordid and shabby and soiled and smutty. Many. man gets his mind into such. state that it soils everything of which it thinks” (Barclay p. 80). Compare with Titus 1:15. Hendriksen reminds us. “The Philippians, because of their background and surroundings, were being constantly tempted by that which was unchaste” (p. 198). The word "pure" also applies to "pure" motives and actions. The Christian does not have the right to "plot" revenge (Romans 12:19). Some people spend their lives dwelling upon all the bad things they would love to see happen to those who wronged them, and such people are usually miserable (Titus 3:3). “Lovely”: “Endearing” (Con). “Lovable” (TCNT). “It is that which calls forth love” (Jackson p. 82). “Winsome--Thus the Christian's mind is to be set on things that elicit from others not bitterness and hostility, but admiration and affection” (Hawthorne p. 188). “There are those whose minds are so set on vengeance and punishment that they call forth bitterness and fear in others. There are those whose minds are so set on criticism and rebuke that they call forth resentment in others” (Barclay p. 80).
“Good report”: Well spoken of. Those things that deserve and enjoy. good reputation (1 Corinthians 13:6). “Lit., ‘sounding well'--that which is fit to hear” (Jackson p. 82). The Christian is not interested in "gossip" and the Christian takes no pleasure in hearing the "dirt" that has surfaced concerning another member. The Christian eagerly desires to hear those things that are good, such as the good things that Christians are doing, and the successes they are having. Jackson makes all of us uncomfortable when he says, “It is. truly interesting exercise to listen to the things that most commonly engage the conversations of men--even some who profess to be disciples of the Lord Jesus!” (p. 82). “If there be any”: “If virtue and honor have any meaning” (TCNT). “Whatever moral excellence exists, and whatever praise it deserves” (Erdman p. 143). “Nothing that is really worthwhile for believers to ponder and take into consideration is omitted from this summarizing phrase. Anything at all that is. matter of moral and spiritual excellence, so that it is the proper object of praise, is the right pasture for the Christian mind to graze in” (Hendriksen p. 199). Paul could also be inferring that virtue and praiseworthy behavior cannot be developed without thinking about the right things.
“Think on these things”: ''To take account of. It also suggests that we are to constantly place our minds on these things. Vine notes that it means to ‘make those things the subjects of your thoughtful consideration'” (Jackson p. 81).
We are responsible for our thoughts. Contrary to the thinking of some, man is capable to "holding on" to good thoughts.. can make such things the habitual food for my mind. The Christian can really change, and such change can reach right down to the very essence of one's attitude. The Christian has too much to ponder to allow his mind to wander. Happiness and contentment (Philippians 4:7) are impossible without practicing 1 Peter 4:8.