For therein is revealed. righteousness of God from faith unto faith: as it is written, But the righteous shall live by faith.

'Therein' -i.e. in the Gospel message.

'A righteousness of God' -not that God is righteous (the O.T. revealed that), but HOW GOD MAKES MAN RIGHTEOUS.

'From faith unto faith' -some say, from 'the faith-gospel' unto (the hoped for direction) my own personal faith. Others, from the faith demonstrated by Christ to bring about this salvation, to our own faith in Him.

'As it is written '-quote from Habakkuk 2:4. The purpose of this quote seems to be to establish the fact that this had been in God's plan all among, even the O.T. taught the fact that God's true people were the one's who lived by faith in Him. The New Testament reveals the fact that this faith must be exercised towards Christ and His sacrifice.

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Old Testament