For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse:

'Invisible things of him' -'invisible attributes' (TCNT).

Two are mentioned, 'everlasting power and divine nature'.

'Since the creation' -mankind, all of them from the beginning have all had access to this same knowledge, yes even the native in darkest Africa, the South-Sea Islander and the American Indian.

'through the things that are made...that they may be without excuse' -this is. telling commentary about the person that can study the physical creation and yet still believe in evolution and or remain. atheist or agnostic. (Psalms 19:1; Acts 14:17)

'Without excuse' -the unbeliever doesn't have. leg to stand on. (Psalms 14:1)

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Old Testament