Brethren, my heart's desire and my supplication to God is for them, that they may be saved.

'Heart's desire' -'the longing of my heart' (Mon); 'my heart's good will goes out for them' (Wms). More literally, the good will of my heart. (Vincent p. 111) 'The Apostle cannot enlarge on this melancholy situation without expressing once more the deep grief which it causes him.' (Gr. Ex. N.T. p. 668)

"Desire' -'what would give Paul the greatest pleasure and satisfaction' (Lenski p. 641).

'There would be no lack of converts to the Christian faith if all who profess to follow Christ felt for the spiritual welfare of their fellow countrymen the deep concern expressed by Paul for his own people.'

How shallow are our own goals! We worry about our looks, or money, but how often do we earnestly pray for the salvation of those we know?

"Supplication" -1162. deesis deh'-ay-sis; from 1189;. petition: -prayer, request, supplication.

"that they may be saved" -'Paul described the sin and rejection of Israel so clearly that many of them would be apt to think that he prayed for their punishment.'

'He isn't. follower of Rousseau's romantic "everything will turn out right in the end; no matter what" philosophy. Paul agonized about the Jew's lost condition in such. way as to let us know that their future wasn't unconditionally rosy. He wants them saved. Not pampered or praised or persecuted or isolated or ostracized. There are too many extremes taught concerning the Jews. Some people have them forever damned and without hope of redemption. Others have them as still, despite their unbelief, the "people of God" and not just the descendants of Abraham.'

Point to Note: Paul's statement here contradicts 'predestination'. For it would be in vain to pray for the salvation of others, if all have been 'predestined' for heaven or hell, regardless of their own personal choices.

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Old Testament