For Christ is the end of the law unto righteousness to every one that believeth.

'For' -'further proof that the pursuit of. righteousness of one's own by legal observances is. mistake, the act of men "in ignorance"'. (Gr. Ex. N.T. p. 669)

In trying to establish. right standing with God on the basis of moral performance, they rejected the gospel that taught. right standing with God on the basis of an obedient trust (Romans 9:30). But in reality or in practice, such is the only 'righteousness' available to mankind. It is 'of God', for God worked it out through Christ (Romans 3:21ff).

"end of the law unto righteousness" -'end of the law for righteousness' (NASV)

1. The Law brought the believing Jew to Christ- Galatians 3:24. i.e. He is what the Law pointed to. (Matthew 5:17).

2. What the Law was after, i.e. righteous men and holy living, Christ has produced. (Romans 8:3)

"to every one that believeth" -'Paul's point here is made concerning the believer in Christ. He isn't affirming it to be true for everyone. Now then, Christ didn't bring moral law to an end. There are still moral demands made upon people by God so Paul isn't claiming that Christ obliterated moral law.'

3. For the believer in Christ, Christ had ended the necessity for perfect law-keeping as. means to being right with God. (Romans 6:14; Romans 7:4; Romans 9:31) The true believer in Christ has forsaken all attempts to claim. right standing with God on the basis of flawless law-keeping or moral performance. The true believer realizes that the only road to righteousness is the way of obedient faith and humble submission to God.

'When. man's sins are all blotted out, when he is cleansed from all sin, he is righteous (Romans 4:5-8); that condition is reached in Christ by those who believe. The end, or purpose, of the law was righteousness; that end is reached in Christ by the believer.'

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Old Testament