And if the firstfruit is holy, so is the lump: and if the root is holy, so are the branches. "firstfruit" -'if the first piece of dough be holy, the lump is also' (NASV); 'so is the whole mass' (TCNT).

In Numbers 2:18. we find that the first portion of dough removed from the whole kneaded lump, which was offered to God, made the rest acceptable for consumption, i.e. sanctified and blessed.

Paul's point in this section is to prove to Gentile converts what God hasn't said concerning the Jewish people, 'they had their chance but now I'm through with the Jews'. He makes it clear that God is more that willing to receive Jews that turn from their unbelief (the same is true with Gentiles). Since God had ALREADY ACCEPTED. 'REMNANT' of Jewish believers, He stood willing to accept any others from the Jewish race that would turn to Him in faith.

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Old Testament