As touching the gospel, they are enemies for your sake: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sake. "As touching the gospel" -'From the stand-point of the Good News' (TCNT); 'From the stand-point of the gospel' (NASV)

"they" -not all Jews, but only the Jews that refused to believe.

"are enemies" -'When he looks at the Gospel, which they have rejected, they are enemies, objects of His (God's) hostility.' (Gr. Ex. N.T. p. 684). All that disobey the gospel have placed themselves in the position of being enemies of God. (2 Thessalonians 1:8; Acts 13:10)

"for your sake" -Jewish rejection only brought the gospel message that much sooner to the Gentiles.. Gentiles chose the Christ that Jews rejected. They took sides for and against the Messiah, so, in that respect, are "enemies"' (McGuiggan p. 339)

"touching the election" -'from the stand-point of God's choice' (NASV); 'but in his elective purpose he still welcomes them, for the sake of their fathers' (Knox)

"beloved for the father's sake" -i.e. the fathers being Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

McGuiggan seems to think that the "election" in this verse refers to the "remnant" of Romans 11:5. He sees two groups of Jews in this verse, the unbelieving and the believing. And yet, the last statement could refer to unbelieving Jews also. Every descendant of Abraham was. potential heir of salvation, the gospel had been first preached to them. Paul may be saying here, that God still desires unbelieving Jews saved. So did Paul (Romans 10:1; Romans 9:1-5)

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Old Testament