Romans 14 - Introduction

ROMANS CHAPTER 14: I. THE NEED FOR THIS LESSON: 'In every generation, there is an attempt to justify. "broader fellowship" to include those preaching and practicing some sin or doctrinal error. The attempt to justify such invariably includes Romans 14:1. The advocate of. "broader fellowship" notes... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:1

But him that is weak in faith receive ye, yet not for decision of scruples. 'Weak in faith' -the Christian who at this time cannot bring themselves to eat meat (Romans 14:2) ' RECEIVE YE. -4355. proslambano pros-lam-ban'-o; from 4314 and 2983; to take to oneself, i.e. use (food), lead (aside), adm... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:2

ONE MAN HATH FAITH TO EAT ALL THINGS: BUT HE THAT IS WEAK EATETH HERBS. 'faith to eat all things'-this is the 'stronger brother'; he realizes that 'all foods are clean according to God'. Mark 7:19 because it goeth not into his heart, but into his belly, and goeth out into the draught? This he said... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:3

LET NOT HIM THAT EATETH SET AT NOUGHT HIM THAT EATETH NOT; AND LET NOT HIM THAT EATETH NOT JUDGE HIM THAT EATETH: FOR GOD HATH RECEIVED HIM. 'Set at nought' -1848. exoutheneo ex-oo-then-eh'-o;. variation of 1847 and meaning the same: -contemptible, despise, least esteemed, set at nought. -'regard... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:4

WHO ART THOU THAT JUDGEST THE SERVANT OF ANOTHER? TO HIS OWN LORD HE STANDETH OR FALLETH. YEA, HE SHALL BE MADE TO STAND; FOR THE LORD HATH POWER TO MAKE HIM STAND. 'he' -the last person mentioned was the 'meat-eater' 'he shall be made to stand' -the meat-eater will stand justified at the final j... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:5

ONE MAN ESTEEMETH ONE DAY ABOVE ANOTHER: ANOTHER ESTEEMETH EVERY DAY ALIKE. LET EACH MAN BE FULLY ASSURED IN HIS OWN MIND. 'esteemeth' -2919. krino kree'-no; properly, to distinguish, i.e. decide (mentally or judicially); by implication, to try, condemn, punish: -avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, de... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:6

HE THAT REGARDETH THE DAY, REGARDETH IT UNTO THE LORD: AND HE THAT EATETH, EATETH UNTO THE LORD, FOR HE GIVETH GOD THANKS; AND HE THAT EATETH NOT, UNTO THE LORD HE EATETH NOT, AND GIVETH GOD THANKS. 'unto the Lord' -can one do something 'unto the Lord' that is sinful? ' does it in the Lord's honor... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:7

FOR NONE OF US LIVETH TO HIMSELF, AND NONE DIETH TO HIMSELF. The motivation behind each group was, what they were doing was with God in mind.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:8


Romans 14:9

FOR TO THIS END CHRIST DIED AND LIVED AGAIN, THAT HE MIGHT BE LORD OF BOTH THE DEAD AND THE LIVING. One of the purposes for the death/resurrection of Christ, was that He would become the Judge of all.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:10

BUT THOU, WHY DOST THOU JUDGE THY BROTHER? OR THOU AGAIN, WHY DOST THOU SET AT NOUGHT THY BROTHER? FOR WE SHALL ALL STAND BEFORE THE JUDGMENT-SEAT OF GOD. 'Judge/set at nought'-in the context refering back to verse 3. Again, if we use Romans 14:1 as. chapter dealing with 'sin, error', then no judg... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:11-13

FOR IT IS WRITTEN, AS. LIVE, SAITH THE LORD, TO ME EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW, AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS TO GOD. Romans 14:12 So then each one of us shall give account of himself to God. Romans 14:13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge ye this rather, that no man put. stumbl... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:14

ROMANS 14:14. KNOW, AND AM PERSUADED IN THE LORD JESUS, THAT NOTHING IS UNCLEAN OF ITSELF: SAVE THAT TO HIM WHO ACCOUNTETH ANYTHING TO BE UNCLEAN, TO HIM IT IS UNCLEAN. 'nothing is unclean of itself' -Paul therefore in this chapter is discussing things which are clean in themselves! Matter's of ind... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:15

FOR IF BECAUSE OF MEAT THY BROTHER IS GRIEVED, THOU WALKEST NO LONGER IN LOVE. DESTROY NOT WITH THY MEAT HIM FOR WHOM CHRIST DIED. Starting from verse 13 Paul is addressing the meat-eater. He was right, he had. right to eat meat, but that right could be abused! The following verses will express th... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:16

LET NOT THEN YOUR GOOD BE EVIL SPOKEN OF: 'your good' -the meat-eater's practice WAS GOOD! In fact all the practices under consideration here were 'good', they were not sinful! And yet, this good, if abused could become wrong!... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:17

FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NOT EATING AND DRINKING, BUT RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PEACE AND JOY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. The matters under discussion here are not ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD. This is why they could be practiced and not practiced, being in the kingdom was not dependent upon 'not-eati... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:18

FOR HE THAT HEREIN SERVETH CHRIST IS WELL-PLEASING TO GOD, AND APPROVED OF MEN. 'he that herein serveth Christ' -'serves Christ in this way pleases God' (TCNT) The person that realizes,. am not going to let my 'rights' cause other's to sin. (15-16)... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:20

OVERTHROW NOT FOR MEAT'S SAKE THE WORK OF GOD. ALL THINGS INDEED ARE CLEAN; HOWBEIT IT IS EVIL FOR THAT MAN WHO EATETH WITH OFFENCE. 'the work of God' -i.e. the weak brother. 'all things indeed are clean' -i.e. again this demands that the chapter is dealing with things 'morally pure'. 'howbeit it... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:21,22

IT IS GOOD NOT TO EAT FLESH, NOR TO DRINK WINE, NOR TO DO ANYTHING WHEREBY THY BROTHER STUMBLETH. Romans 14:22 The faith which thou hast, have thou to thyself before God. Happy is he that judgeth not himself in that which he approveth. 'The faith' -the faith under consideration here is one's own... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:23

BUT HE THAT DOUBTETH IS CONDEMNED IF HE EAT, BECAUSE HE EATETH NOT OF FAITH; AND WHATSOEVER IS NOT OF FAITH IS SIN. NOTE: Even in area's of indifference,. violation of conscience is wrong! The only sins that. can find in Romans 14:1 are: a. Condemning or looking down on someone in. matter of indif... [ Continue Reading ]

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