For. say that Christ hath been made. minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, that he might confirm the promises given unto the fathers,

'For. say' -'verses 8-13 imply that the differences over foods and days which have been discussed was based upon the religious and cultural differences between Jews and Gentiles. Yet, Jesus received both Jews and Gentiles.' (Green p. 13)

-'I affirm or maintain' (Barnes p. 322)

Paul now elaborates on "how" Christ received both Jews and Gentiles.

'hath been made' -'is. perfect passive. Christ was made (by God). minister of the circumcision and was still. minister of the circumcision while Paul wrote. Paul has made it clear that God hadn't changed his mind about blessing Jews. (Romans 11:28-29)' (McGuiggan p. 418)

'a minister of the circumcision...that he might confirm the promises given unto the fathers'

'minister' -Christ came to "serve" (Mark 10:45; Luke 22:27).

'of the circumcision' -'became. servant of the Jewish people' (NEB). (Matthew 15:24)

Here Paul reminds the Gentiles, the Messiah was Jewish! This was Israel's Messiah to begin with. Jesus came to this earth to confirm the truthfulness of the promises that had been made to the ancestors of the Jews (the promises to Abraham- Genesis 12:1 /22; Isaac- Genesis 26:1; Jacob- Genesis 28:1; David- 2 Samuel 2:1), He fulfilled what the prophets had said, He was Israel's deliverer. (Luke 24:44; Acts 3:24)

'confirm' -950. bebaioo beb-ah-yo'-o; from 949; to stabilitate (figuratively): -confirm, (e-)stablish.

'To confirm means by fulfillment.' (Lenski p. 868) 'In carrying out the promises made to our forefathers.' (Gspd) That is, 'to maintain the truth of God by making good his promises to the patriarchs' (NEB)

Point to Note:

Christ came to confirm the truthfulness of God's promises to the patriarchs, by fulfilling those promises. The promises made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or even David were fulfilled by Christ. The Premillennial viewpoint is false.

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Old Testament