Romans 16 - Introduction

ROMANS CHAPTER 16: _ OUTLINE AND COMMENTARY-MARK DUNAGAN_ I. OUTLINE OF CHAPTER 16: I. The Commendation of Phoebe: Romans 16:1-2 II. Paul's Greetings to the Romans: Romans 16:3-16 III. Warning Against False Teachers: Romans 16:17-20 IV. Greetings From Paul's Companions: Romans 16:21-23 V. Fin... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:1

ROMANS 16:1. COMMEND UNTO YOU PHOEBE OUR SISTER, WHO IS. SERVANT OF THE CHURCH THAT IS AT CENCHREAE: 'Commend' -to introduce favorably, 'the regular word for letters of commendation' (2 Corinthians 3:1). So here verses. and. constitute Paul's recommendation of Phoebe, the bearer of the Epistle.' ... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:2

__ Romans 16:2 that ye receive her in the Lord, worthily of the saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever matter she may have need of you: for she herself also hath been. helper of many, and of mine own self. 'receive her in the Lord' -'give her. Christian welcome--one worthy of Christ's people... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:3

SALUTE PRISCA AND AQUILA MY FELLOW-WORKERS IN CHRIST JESUS, 'Salute' -'Greet' (NASV) 782. aspazomai as-pad'-zom-ahee; from. (as. particle of union) and. presumed form of 4685; to enfold in the arms, i.e. (by implication) to salute, (figuratively) to welcome: -embrace, greet, salute, take leave. '... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:4

WHO FOR MY LIFE LAID DOWN THEIR OWN NECKS; UNTO WHOM NOT ONLY. GIVE THANKS, BUT ALSO ALL THE CHURCHES OF THE GENTILES: 'laid down their own necks' -Paul had encountered danger in both Corinth and Ephesus. (See Acts 18:12; Acts 19:23). 'Risked their own necks' (NASV), 'who once risked their very ne... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:5

AND SALUTE THE CHURCH THAT IS IN THEIR HOUSE. SALUTE EPAENETUS MY BELOVED, WHO IS THE FIRST-FRUITS OF ASIA UNTO CHRIST. 'the church that is in their house' -this expression is also found in (1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15; Philemon 1:2). Most commentators take the expression as referring to... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:6

SALUTE MARY, WHO BESTOWED MUCH LABOR ON YOU. 'Mary' -'Maria' would be Roman, the variant 'Mariam' Jewish. (Lenski p. 905) 'WHO BESTOWED MUCH LABOR ON YOU' -'who has toiled so hard for you' (Wms) 'There is something finer in Paul's appreciation of services rendered to others than if they had been... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:7

SALUTE ANDRONICUS AND JUNIAS, MY KINSMEN, AND MY FELLOW-PRISONERS, WHO ARE OF NOTE AMONG THE APOSTLES, WHO ALSO HAVE BEEN IN CHRIST BEFORE ME. 'Andronicus' -(an droe NYE kus) (conquer). 'JUNIAS' -or Junia (JOO nih uh). This name may be either masculine or feminine. (Vincent p. 179) 'KINSMEN' -i.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:8

SALUTE AMPLIATUS MY BELOVED IN THE LORD. 'Ampliatus' -(am plih AH tus). 'The name is common in Roman inscriptions of the period, and is found repeatedly as borne by members of the imperial household.' (F.F. Bruce p. 272) 'Is quite. common slave name'. (Barclay p. 232) 'MY BELOVED IN THE LORD' -'m... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:9

SALUTE URBANUS OUR FELLOW-WORKER IN CHRIST, AND STACHYS MY BELOVED. 'Urbanus' -(uhr BAIN us) 'belonging to the urbs, or 'city', i.e. Rome.. name by its very nature specially common in Rome. (F.F. Bruce p. 272) 'STACHYS' -(STAY kis) (ear of grain). 'One or two of its occurrences are in association... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:10

SALUTE APELLES THE APPROVED IN CHRIST. SALUTE THEM THAT ARE OF THE HOUSEHOLD OF ARISTOBULUS. 'Apelles' -(a PELL ez) 'A name sufficiently common among the Jews of Rome to be used by Horace as. typical Jewish name.' (F.F. Bruce p. 272) 'THE APPROVED IN CHRIST' -'tested and tried in Christ' (Mon); 'w... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:11

SALUTE HERODION MY KINSMAN. SALUTE THEM OF THE HOUSEHOLD OF NARCISSUS, THAT ARE IN THE LORD. 'Herodion' -(hih ROE dee uhn) (heroic). Possibly one belonging to the above "household". 'NARCISSUS' -(narr SIS us) 'was. common name; but the most famous Narcissus was. freedman who had been secretary to... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:12

SALUTE TRYPHAENA AND TRYPHOSA, WHO LABOR IN THE LORD. SALUTE PERSIS THE BELOVED, WHO LABORED MUCH IN THE LORD. 'Tryphaena' -(trigh FEE nuh) 'TRYPHOSA' -(trigh FOE shuh) Perhaps sisters. (Vincent p. 180) 'It was usual to designate members of the same family by derivatives from the same root (word)... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:13

SALUTE RUFUS THE CHOSEN IN THE LORD, AND HIS MOTHER AND MINE. 'Rufus' -(ROO fuhs) (red-haired).. very common name in Rome. Many speculate that this Rufus might have been the son mentioned that belonged to Simon of Cyrene. (Mark 15:21) 'Mark, writing his gospel for the Christians in Rome, identifie... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:14

SALUTE ASYNCRITUS, PHLEGON, HERMES, PATROBAS, HERMAS, AND THE BRETHREN THAT ARE WITH THEM. 'Asyncritus' -(a SIN cry tus) (incomparable) 'PHLEGON' -(FLEG ahn) (zealous) 'HERMES' -(HUR meez). common slave-name. The name of the god of good luck. 'PATROBAS' -(PAT ruh buhs) (having life from father)... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:15

SALUTE PHILOLOGUS AND JULIA, NEREUS AND HIS SISTER, AND OLYMPAS, AND ALL THE SAINTS THAT ARE WITH THEM. 'Philologus' -(fih LAHL uh guhs) (talkative) 'JULIA' -(JOOL yuh). Perhaps these two are to be understood as husband and wife. The commonest name for female slaves in the imperial household beca... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:16

SALUTE ONE ANOTHER WITH. HOLY KISS. ALL THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST SALUTE YOU. 'with. holy kiss'. (1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:26; 1 Peter 5:14). 'Bestowing. kiss upon brow or cheek as sign of friendly accord, affection, and honor dates very far back among Oriental peopl... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:17

NOW. BESEECH YOU, BRETHREN, MARK THEM THAT ARE CAUSING THE DIVISIONS AND OCCASIONS OF STUMBLING, CONTRARY TO THE DOCTRINE WHICH YE LEARNED: AND TURN AWAY FROM THEM. 'Mark' -4648. skopeo skop-eh'-o; from 4649; to take aim at (spy), i.e. (figuratively) regard: -consider, take heed, look at (on), mar... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:18

FOR THEY THAT ARE SUCH SERVE NOT OUR LORD CHRIST, BUT THEIR OWN BELLY; AND BY THEIR SMOOTH AND FAIR SPEECH THEY BEGUILE THE HEARTS OF THE INNOCENT. 'their own belly' -they don't serve the Lord! Paul actually said this about some religious people. 'Their own appetites' (NASV) 'Belly' is meant to ex... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:19

FOR YOUR OBEDIENCE IS COME ABROAD UNTO ALL MEN.. REJOICE THEREFORE OVER YOU: BUT. WOULD HAVE YOU WISE UNTO THAT WHICH IS GOOD, AND SIMPLE UNTO THAT WHICH IS EVIL. 'obedience' -i.e. to the doctrine. (Romans 16:17) 'COME ABROAD UNTO ALL MEN' -'The news of the soundness of the faith of the Roman chu... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:20

AND THE GOD OF PEACE SHALL BRUISE SATAN UNDER YOUR FEET SHORTLY. THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST BE WITH YOU. 'bruise' -4937. suntribo soon-tree'-bo; from 4862 and the base of 5147; to crush completely, i.e. to shatter (literally or figuratively): -break (in pieces), broken to shivers (+ -heart... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:21

TIMOTHY MY FELLOW-WORKER SALUTETH YOU; AND LUCIUS AND JASON AND SOSIPATER, MY KINSMEN. 'Timothy' -a naive of Lystra,. convert of Paul's, whom Paul had chosen to travel with him. (Acts 16:1) 'First among them is Timothy, Paul's beloved "fellow-worker", his "child in the faith", his comrade on perilo... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:22

ROMANS 16:22. TERTIUS, WHO WRITE THE EPISTLE, SALUTE YOU IN THE LORD. 'Tertius' -(TUR shee uhs) (third). 'WHO WRITE THE EPISTLE' -an 'amanuensis (secretary, scribe). 'Tertius had an exciting job, didn't he!. wonder did he dream that we'd be reading his writing 1900 years later?' (McGuiggan p. 445... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:23

GAIUS MY HOST, AND OF THE WHOLE CHURCH, SALUTETH YOU. ERASTUS THE TREASURER OF THE CITY SALUTETH YOU, AND QUARTUS THE BROTHER. 'Gaius' -(GAY US) 'There weren't many in the early church of high rank but there were some. Gaius and Erastus were respected men.' (McGuiggan p. 445) (1 Corinthians 1:26)... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:25


Romans 16:26

BUT NOW IS MANIFESTED, AND BY THE SCRIPTURES OF THE PROPHETS, ACCORDING TO THE COMMANDMENT OF THE ETERNAL GOD, IS MADE KNOWN UNTO ALL THE NATIONS UNTO OBEDIENCE OF FAITH: 'but now is manifested' -'to make plain' (Robertson p. 430); 'but has now been brought to light' (Con) The N.T. is the full rev... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 16:27

TO THE ONLY WISE GOD, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, TO WHOM BE THE GLORY FOR EVER. AMEN. 'only wise God' -the contents of this book demand such. declaration. 'BE THE GLORY FOR EVER' -while men and women in this life strive for the glory and praise of others, in the end the glory won't belong to Hollywood... [ Continue Reading ]

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