Salute Herodion my kinsman. Salute them of the household of Narcissus, that are in the Lord.

'Herodion' -(hih ROE dee uhn) (heroic). Possibly one belonging to the above "household".

'Narcissus' -(narr SIS us) 'was. common name; but the most famous Narcissus was. freedman who had been secretary to the Emperor Claudius and who had exercised. notorious influence over the Emperor. He was said to have amassed. private fortune..His power had lain in the fact that all correspondence addressed to the Emperor had to pass through his hands and never reached the Emperor unless he allowed it to do so. He made his fortune from the fact that people paid him large bribes to make sure that their petitions and requests did reach the Emperor. When Claudius was murdered and Nero came to the throne, Narcissus survived for. short time, but in the end he was compelled to commit may well be his one-time slaves which are referred to here.' (Barclay pp. 233-234)

This Narcissus had died in A.D. 54, three years before Paul wrote this letter.

'Lightfoot argues..that most of those here greeted by Paul were (now) Nero's servants, once in Greece, especially Philippi, and now called to Rome, whence they later sent back greetings to Philippi (1 Peter 4:22)' (McGarvey p. 547)

'that are in the Lord' -only certain members of this household had obeyed the gospel.

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Old Testament