The first three Chapter s demonstrated the great "need" for. way to make man right with God. For both Jew and Gentile found themselves in sin. All previous religious systems Jewish and non-Jewish have failed to achieve 'rightness' with God. The verses that follow PRESENT GOD'S REMEDY FOR THIS UNIVERSAL CONDITION OF CONDEMNATION.

Romans 3:21 But now apart from the law. righteousness of God hath been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

'apart from the law' -'not by the Law, but by another way' (Con).

The only way that one could be accounted righteous under. system of 'law-righteousness', was if one perfectly kept the law. But both Jews and Gentiles failed to live up to the laws they were under. God makes men righteous apart from perfect-law keeping, another system exists.

'Manifested' -'brought to light', i.e. revealed in the Gospel Message (Romans 1:16-17)

'Being witnessed by the law and the prophets' -it is important for Paul to point out that the way in which God makes men righteous, as revealed in the gospel isn't new or novel. The prophets bore witness to the truth that men will be declared 'right with God' by. faith that obeys. (Habakkuk 2:4; Psalms 32:1; Genesis 15:6; 2 Timothy 3:15. In chapter. Paul will give two examples (David and Abraham), one lived before the law and one during it, and yet both were justified by their faith in God.

'Yet this is no new-fangled way, thought up by ourselves; it has ample witness borne to it in advance in the O.T. writings.'

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Old Testament