Wherefore also it was reckoned unto him for righteousness.

'Wherefore' -'For this reason' (Wey). This is the type of faith that enables. man to be justified by God. Clearly, 'faith only', is far removed from Paul's mind.

POINT TO NOTE: The situation in Abraham's life under consideration in Romans 4:17-22, the event happening when Abraham was about. hundred years old (Romans 4:19), refers to Genesis 17:1 (Romans 17:1). This event happened years after the event earlier cited in Genesis 15:6 (Romans 4:3). (For Ishmael had already been born in chapter 16, and Issac wouldn't be born for another year (Romans 17:21).

All of this makes the point that 'rightness' with God is. continual process, it's not. one time act, which is good for all time, i.e. once saved always saved.

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Old Testament