and not only so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.

'and not only so' -'and not only that' (Wms). Not only shall we be saved, BUT WE CAN REJOICE NOW! 'We have NOW received the reconciliation', WE ARE RIGHT WITH GOD NOW!

'reconciliation' -KJV 'atonement'. At the time when the KJV was translated, 'atonement', signified 'reconciliation, 'AT-ONE-MENT', the making two estranged parties 'at one'. (Vincent p. 62)

Something to seriously consider after reading this portion of chapter 5:

'I met. Christian who was popping as many pills as an addict. She was worried sick about her salvation.. met. saint who wept every day wondering if he was right with God. One..preacher specifically denied that he knew concerning his own soul if he were saved or not. Can you credit that? Preaching for thirty years and doesn't know if he is saved or not? And what does he preach? The joy of salvation? "I don't know if I'm going to heaven or hell", he said, "I'll have to wait and see". This is the 'gospel' of 'uncertainty'. The 'gospel' of anxiety. It isn't the gospel of 'peace'. To offer Jesus to the world as the prince of peace while we ourselves are spiritually neurotic is nonsense..It is like. bald-headed man trying to sell hair-restorer.' [Note: McGuiggan pp. 159-160]

When someone asks the Christian, 'are you going to heaven', should the Christian (according to chapter Romans 5:1-11), be able to give. DEFINITE YES OR NO?

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Old Testament